[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

@diapolon, If you have for example an eufy camera, and you would like to show that video on your nspanel/Smartdash when someone pushes your doorbell , will it than somehow be possible to get a specific widget/panel activated (getting focus).

We spoke about it before for a notification/alert and at that time it wasn’t possible to react on a device status change.

But maybe things changed with all the modifications you made lately.

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Yes, maybe it can be done. Let me to complete the grid porting and then we’ll talk about it again!

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@diapolon what css code makes the clock centered and how to get it more to the top?

.content .time {top: 1px !important} doesn’t work

vertical-align: middle; padding-bottom: 1px

But the grid, if you use 3x0.5, 3x1 or 3x2 will already place the clock vertically and horizontally aligned to the center position

Thanks sandro for your reply. I’m trying to get time and date underneath eath other so big as possible. But struggles with that time is always in a center position. Like to adjust it a bit more to the top.

With .content .box {position: initial} it gives me some slack but like to adjust time more to the top position.

But everything I try don’t work. Padding-top; margin-top; vertical-align: top etc

@diapolon when I watch this guy on youtube that have made a HA page on the nspanel is a 5x5 grid it looks like. With your software a 5x4 where the main navigation is 1 in height. Makes this sense for the new grid?

@diapolon trying to make with separators a lighning page with all the light in house. Looks like there is a limitation in 32 devices per page. Can you make this bigger?

Because date and time are two different container divs. I have it like this on 3x0.5 grid and it works fine:

.content { background: none; box-shadow: none }
.content .value { font-size:25pt; margin-top: -25px }
.content .box { font-size:8pt; margin-top: 0px }

Padding would also make the trick, the problem of padding is, that by default, its apparently not 0px, but we do not know the default value.

.value is the container for time
.box for date

I’m injured, I won’t be there for a while😔

That is really unfortunate for you. Hope you get well soon.

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Take your time, hope you get well soon.

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Thanks thats what i needed to know

Wish you to get better soon

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First of all, thanks to @diapolon for the brilliant app :+1:.

Second, is there some way to debug web content (html, css) of widgets on a device (e.g. remote debugging in a webview with devtools) or some localhost debugging in a simulator. I would like to hide the icons from the BlindCurtain widget, and I do not find the css class which for the icon container (if is exist at all).

Thank you for your answer, and get well soon.

I have a bad back but it’s not as bad as i thought :crossed_fingers:

As soon i write the widget blindcurtain basic code

Try .fl.col6 and .fr.col6 for manipulate left and right part. Hide the left part and set width to 100% at right part. It should work!

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Yes in next version i change the limit

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I can add this layout

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Thats good news