Presence Issue, iPhone 16 Pro, latest iOS

Is anyone else seeing Presence issues recently? I upgraded to iPhone 16 a few weeks ago but can’t be sure if it is related to iPhone 16 compatability or something changed in latest App release. It was pretty much very reliable until a few weeks ago but now randomly seems unaware you’ve left home or returned.

I’ve change from iPhone 14 to 16, migrated from EE to O2 and got latest firmware/app for Homey installed.

Anyone else seeing similar issues recently?

Maybe related to this, basically any background activity of the app is not working for me most of the time

Thanks, that may well have an impact. I’ll log official ticket with Homey too just to get their input.

That’s almost identical to me, iPhone 14 everything worked flawless. iPhone 16 pro and presence details works sometimes at best

Athom are aware soem users had some issues with iPhone 16, but they thought it was resolved. I’ve asked them to re-open ticket as the problem does not seem to be fully fixed.

The problem does not only affect iPhone 16. I have an iPhone 14 Pro, until a few weeks ago everything worked tip top, now I have problems again and again that my location is not correct.

As an immediate measure, turning off and on the presence settings in the Homey iOS app helps me.

Same I have an iPhone 15 Pro. Just wondering, are all of you using the testflight version or the regular one? Because maybe it’s only an issue with the testflight version?

New iPhone 16 Pro user and i am experiencing the same issue

An update for the iOS app was released yesterday (8.4.3) that should fix your home/away geofence issues. Make sure to enable Home/Away detection in the app and that location permission is set to Always.

thanks, I got a note from Athom to say addtions for this in version 9 beta too. Just installed it so fingers crossed, I’ll test over next few days.

And again i am experiencing issues with location. Homey is saying i am somewhere else. Other users of my household have the same issues. Different iPhones. Doesn’t look like an iOS 18.1.1 issue since my daughter runs iOS 16.0.3

Anyone else again having issues?

Mine was all fixed and working fine after Home Pro v9 update, is yours up to date?

Working on

If i open System > Location then my location is not correct. It is somewhere in the center of Rotterdam.

My wife has the same wrong location. Strange that this is similar

Had problems on my new iphone16. I Guess the problem starts if you install a new phone from the icloud backed up. I deleted and reinstalled the homey app on my phone and this solved my issue.