Power outage detection solution

I found your solution and I am wondering if this works to your satisfaction? Thanks for replying!

I’m using the homewizard p1 power meter. (29 euro).

When data is not changing for 31 sec (every second an update of the meter but homey is generating an update every 10 sec), then I assume all three phases are out. Until now never an false positive.

Maybe that (a variation of) this can help you?

@Igy Excellent solution. A stupid doubt though, what the is voltage across the wires soldered on the contact sensor? Would it be the same as the coil voltage i.e. 220/240VAC? In that case can I use a Sonoff basic in the place of the Finder relay?

At most 3V, which is the battery voltage of the sensor. A mechanical relay’s output is isolated from its input (aka “dry contacts”).

Only with hardware modifications.


Thanks Robert! It all makes sense now.

If you have the UPS connected to synology you can add it in homey with Network UPS Tools app.
After that you can get any data from it.

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I have a slightly different setup: I have two buildings, building A and B. These are in different locations and A has a Homey Pro 2019 and a Synology NAS. B is in an area with frequent outages and has a Homey Pro 2023.

My question: Are there any easy way for me to poll from one to the other if there is an power outage?

With the NetScan app you can poll local and or internet connections
So when you use VPN: just poll the other Homey’s IP.
I know it is a connection probe, but when power fails, connection also fails most probably.

Also, Pro 23 at location B can send a webhook every x minutes.
It should ‘start & replace’ a timer with a runtime slightly longer than the webhook interval.
When a webhook is not sent/received at the interval time, there could be a power outage; now the timer finishes and can send an alert or the like

Eh… Ok… Thank you, I guess!
I take it that there are no “easy way” then? What about this:
I could get a Google Nest Cam. It will report when connection is lost. Any cheaper devices who will do the same?

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Hmm buying devices to do the job, that’s no Homey fun, right :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I made example flows from what I described with the webhook via internet.

The timer should not finish before 120s (the webhook send interval), so let’s set the duration to 125s.
This way it takes max. 125s to get a warning when no webhooks are received anylonger.
When time is critical, try to set the webhook sending flow trigger at ‘every 1 minute’, and set the timer duration to 65s.

The logics trigger card is called When “[event] has been received”.
You think it’s doable?

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Oh, that looks clever. I have to try this tomorrow. Thank you so much for patience with me and taking the time to demo this! Apricate that!

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I set this up on both sites and for some minutes it worked. My implementation on the pro23 side:

Exactly the same but opposite on the pro19 side. I booted the pro23 to fake an outage and received the “Not received…” message from BOTH Homeys!!?

Since has the Homey Pro 2019 gone offline/died on me. Can I expect it to self recover or do I have to travel 4 hours to restart it? :- )

Should work imho. But it’s best to start with one to the other, and monitor and test things for a while.
When all looks OK, then disable these flows, and add the vice versa flows.
When those work OK, enable the first flows again so both send webhooks to eachother.

That’s odd. Make sure to clearly add flow and Homey name to your notification cards. And start with one at a time.

Auch, that sucks.
I don’t know how that can be related with the flows.
It can be network related, modem related, internet related, the power was cut, or it died.
Is Homey connected thru a smart socket which you can operate without Homey? This way you can restart it remotely, when there’s power
No chance of anyone in the neighborhood and with access to the site to check things out?

Yepp. Taken your advice and am monitoring the one with most outages first. It works fine. Thank you again!

It isn’t but after 30 min it was up again. Strange but Yippi! Am gonna take your advice on this on both Homeys and add smart sockets for remote restarts.

Am happy with current implementation and am gonna gradually implement the next, then both at the end…

Thank you again, Peter_Kawa. This was the right advice at the right time. Pure quality :slight_smile: :+1:

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YW and nice to hear! You’re too kind. But thanks and I am glad I could help you out.

That’s called luck on this one I guess :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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