POPP Outdoor Plugg issue

Tried factory reset? Hold down button for 10 sec.

Yes I have factory reset the POPP outdoor plug. It did not help. I have also rebooted Homey several times. However I have not tried to factory reset Homey pro because I alredy have done so much work with configuring my other zwave devices.

You should not have to reset Homey. I have never done that.

Hi, finally I have found a workaround that works for me with my two POPP Outdoor Plugs.


After I made these settings they never stops reporting or get unresponsive. The plugs still reports voltage, current and power. I hope it will help somone else too :slight_smile: , because until now it has been quite annoying and frustrating.


still doesn’t update any values unless i restart the popp app in homey.

It is still working for me. I have not restarted Popp since the change.