Philips Hue App versie 4.4.0 - Missing Capability Listener:onoff

Since this week, controlling the hue bulbs via the homey app does not work anymore.
The message I get is “missing Capability Listener: onoff”.
nothing new has been added recently the only thing I can think of is that the modem has been rebooted 2 times by power outage

what can it be but more importantly what can be done about it. pretty hard now that no wireless switch can control any bulb anymore

Please define “the Homey app”, while 3 Hue apps exist!

Homey app on my phone version

Sorry, I meant which Hue app are you using?

i am not sure which app i use Philips Hue App versie 4.4.0.
the Message “missing Capability Listener” is not showing any more.
i moved Homey to the “meterkast” not sure the right word (fusebox) next to the router and after a while it seems to be better. can this has to something to do with de Google Nest Hello wireless (battery)? or with the attached wireless gong from Honeywell. maybe the signal interfered and blocked the homey signal to the hue Bridge? is that something to be aware of. For now my wife doesn’t trust the homey so i have to make a sustanibel soluition and i want Homey back in the living room

That’s what I wanted to know.
The Hue bridge communicates through wifi with Homey.
(The “Hue without the bridge” app works with zigbee).
So maybe you have some wifi issues.
By the way, the latest Hue app version mentions a fix for what it seems the problem you have.

Wifi analyze tools
Android tools: Wifi Analyzer & Wifi Heatmap
Iphone tool: Wifi Sweetspots (=heatmap) &
Network Analyzer Pro ($4,‐)

Recently I also seem to have this problem. Athom’s Philips Hue app version is v5.5.0 and Homey is at v7.2.0.
Interestingly the hue bulbs turn on in the flows where they need to do so. But they don’t turn off anymore via flows.
While manually trying to toggle the bulbs via the Homey app, I indeed get an error saying
Missing Capability Listener: onoff

Furthermore, if I toggle lights via the Hue android application, the state of the lights is correctly reflected in the Homey app…

Anyone else experiencing this issue lately?

To answer my own question. Athom support has looked into my issue and saw that Homey was unable to send data to the Hue bridge. Finally it seemed that the pihole in my network was interfering with the communication between Homey and the Hue bridge. Adding Homey and Hue bridge to be excluded from the pihole solved the issue!

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It’s been three years already and no improvement. Once you add the Hue light it works just for a while and then stops. Just switch to Hue heritage app. Homey is useless with it. Not for the first time.

it works for a few year quit well. but since a few weeks 2 or 3 times a day homey and Hue lost the connection. the work around is to re start the hue app 2 a day. is there a sustainable solution

Are you also getting the message “missing Capability Listener: onoff”.

no nothing just a red exclamation mark on al de Hue devices

Ok, so probably another issue than the original,
I already expected that as I didn’t see reports of this issue in the HUE app since 3 years / end 2021.

Therefore going to close this topic
if you have any problems with that please feel free to contact me or another moderator.

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