Pause flow cards

Because the pause status doesn’t exist!
You want disable a flow, an this one you can do in the flow settings.

Well, isn`t that the point to make a request? If it existed I would not make an request! :slight_smile:

Once again! What is you request?

  • additional button beside the play button called disable the flow
  • a paused button, that means new functionality has to be implemented

If you pause it or disable it, what is the difference?

Disable = It’s not possible anymore to start the flow again (Play Button or through other flows)
But already ongoing instances of the flow will run to the end.

Pause = have to be described, because the functionality doesn’t exists.

Ok, alternative 2, new function.

What is the benefit to paused a running flow?
And which instance of a flow you want to paused if more than one instances are running?

Stop a running flow make more sense.
But in this case Athom have to change the flow Logic first.
So only one instance of a flow can run in the same time.

Let say you have to change batteries to an device with tamper protection? Which is a lot of devices. Very easy to hit pause and do what you have to do, instead of the four steps on every flow with that device.

And if you make an pause card, you can schedule maintainance much easier.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to be able to pause/disable a device (prevent it from triggering flows) in that case?

That could be a way, make it accessible on the device icons?

But in this use case, You have only the need to disable the affected flows one not to paused it!

Just make 2 flows:

Flow 1 if played disable all affected flows
Flow 2 if played enable all affected flows

I would agrea to a disable function the way @Tangodelta shows in his example flow. For me personal it is quicker to achieve. You don’t have to open the flow, which occasionally takes some time when your flow is large. I find it somes hard to see if a flow is dis- or enabled(colourblind!). Though I can see a pretty woman with a RED mini skirt.


Way too confusing and error-prone, I think.

very much probable…

I think it’s great as it is now. I might disable 1 flow once in 2 months. Same for the siren, when the batteries needs replacement I just disable the flow for a few minutes.

The disable flow option is just 2 clicks away wich takes 3 seconds to get to… That seems better then pause/play/disable/enable buttons on places where I can accidently press them all the time


Great is relative.
Regarding disable and and enable a flow I agree with you.

But it would be great, If you could stop a running flow.
And also have in the „and“ part, flow is running and flow is not running.
For sure that make only sense, when only one running flow instance is allowed.

Could you give an example of a flow that you want to pause? I’m quite struggling to find useful cases.

He posted an example here (where you should read “pause” as “disable”).

Yeah so to be clear the topic title should be disable flow cards (or easier way to disable flows) and the suggestion is a quicker way to enable/disable a flow and we are not talking about pausing a flow, wich would be interrupting the actions taken in the “then” colum,is that right @Tangodelta?