Flow 1: lights off in the livingroom at 23:00
Flow 2: Overrule Flow 1 with, for example, 1 extra hour and the possibility to repaid this several times if you want to stay up for a longer time
How do you do this? By means of, for example, no more movement for x time (dangerous if you watch TV on the couch) or by means of the countdown function
Does anyone have some examples for me?
I am a new inexperienced user, have a lot of ideas but still encounter some knowledge limitations .
You could use a condition for your TV in your flow. The flow is only execuded when TV is turned of. I use a fibaro wall plug and a virtual device for this. You could also place a motion sensor right in front of the couth.
Thanks Simon. That’s maybe better! I create this in 3 flows. I test it and think it work! I have to create another flow for overrule another hour.
Flow 1: Warning in 10 minutes lights off
Flow 2: When countdown 0 switch off lights (23:00 hour) or
Flow 3: Touch the button for switch off light 1 hour later
I was struggling with the same issues.
Instead of a clock I use a double switch for 30% and 60% dimmed lights (still no dimmer yet). When I push one of the buttons the lights are going on and the body sensor is disabled. For turning off I push the double switch and the body sensor will be enabled again.
This works fine to me although when I turn off the lights with the Good Night option the body sensor still doesn’t work the next time I pass by. So I shouldn’t forget to use the switch. I figured out this works better for the WAF.
The body sensor I use only for short time being in the living.
I used to do this with the confirmation card.
WHEN 2300 hours AND ask for confirmation “is er nog iemand wakker?” THEN with a response of “ja” turn on 2nd flow with a time of 0.00 hours ELSE kill the Lights.
I would make the 2nd flow the same as the first flow.
And check the confirmation card and test it! There was something with it like u need to tick the reverse or something but maybe that’s changed alr. In Holland we say: meten is weten!
Ow wait. First read my post above urs again because that’s not the flows I meant.
And the 2nd flow is just the same as the first flow I mentioned except for the time trigger. First flow is 2300 hours, 2nd is 0.00 hours.