August 21, 2024, 11:17am
I have an idea I want to execute in a flow, but cant seem to wrap my head around solving this one:
In my apartment i have several windows, all outfitted with contact sensors. I have made a flow that tells me via a push notification if any of these windows are open when I leave home. So far so good. What I CANT figure out though, is if there is any way to use logic in Homey to tell me which one of the contact sensors are triggering, straight in the push-notification?
Any takers?
I did it with a script, which can be started with the condition “Not all contact alarms are turned off”
The push messages can send these kind of texts, mentioning the open windows or doors:
When all is closed (might be handy when testing):
The script, called “deur_raam-nog_open”
// Check if certain doors or windows is open?
let devices = await Homey.devices.getDevices();
let windowText = "";
let currentText = "";
let logText = "";
let windowOpen = false;
_.some(devices, device =>
if ( device.class == 'sensor' )
// device.class is found at https://tools.developer.homey.app/tools/devices
if( device.capabilitiesObj &&
device.capabilitiesObj.alarm_contact &&
device.capabilitiesObj.alarm_contact.value )
currentText = "";
// to compare and see if there is no typing error
//console.log(`- Open door/window script check: \nName: ${device.name} \nZone: ${device.zone} \n(ZoneName: ${device.zoneName}) \n[device.class: ${device.class} \ndevice.capabilities: ${device.capabilities}]`);
if(device.name != ""){
windowOpen = true;
windowText = device.name + "\t(Zone: " + device.zoneName + ")";
windowText = windowText + "\n" + device.name + "\t(Zone: " + device.zoneName + ")";
if(windowOpen == true)
windowText = "\nThese windows/doors are still open:\n" + windowText + "\n";
// comment this out if you don't want a msg when all's fine:
windowText = "All windows & doors are closed.";
uri: 'homey:manager:notifications',
id: 'create_notification',
args: {
text: windowText + '\n[Peter Away - window/door Open Notif]'
//just to check
console.log("\nOutput:", windowText);
// Create / update HomeyScript variabele
await tag("door_windowText", windowText);
return (true);
// Initial script by RonnyW.
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August 22, 2024, 7:25pm
Wow, this is way beyond my skillset in Homey @Peter_Kawa , thank you for taking the time for such an elaborate post!!
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