BTW! Do you also get suggestion in the “Power ups” section regarding “energy dongle” and “where to buy solarpanels” EVEN when you have Solar-panels and a Energy Dongle already installed
I have no solution for this. I’ve tried switching from a borrowed account and my own solar (not solis) and its kinda bugged for me.
Maybe it will settle…
Afaik the daily value doesn’t show right away, but starts showing the next day. It has to calc a daily use value first.
Something like that. I’ve read it somewhere at the forum
I used to have a similar issue with my solars, but probably for other reasons than you.
I resolved it by doing the following:
Create a Virtual device with device class Solar panel (I named it Solceller)
Added a Power by the Hour app for the virtual device called Solceller.
Created a flow when PV input changes from my original solar app (Growatt + Modbus TCP), it pushes currentsPV W to measure_power and todays kWh use from PBTH to meter_power.
This workaround has worked well for me, hope it can be useful for you as well.