Node Red: A widget based dashboard working with Homey trough MQTT

Yes. I have already seen how you created two fields, one for the date and one for the time.

But, where can you change the font size each of them ?.

I know it’s a rookie question …

i.m not home at the moment. tommorow i make a printscreen en show it.

Some info from the web


Thank you very much in advance!!!

Yes. I have seen that post. But, in the case of the date and time it does not work. Or at least I have been unable to make it work.

Grateful for the help.

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I’ve also been struggling with the font sizes of a text node. Somehow I only could set about 3 sizes. Eventually I just use a template node and put a piece of html inside it. Just as easy:
<p style="font-size:70px; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">{{msg.payload}}</p>

How do you make a special page for each device? I thougt all pages in node red started here at ip-adress:1880/ui?

Yes, misunderstand me right, within the ui you define as many pages you want for your devices/rooms.

@Tangodelta care to share your red node code?
Looks Great what you have done :muscle::smile:

Hello @Satoer

Before I continue writing, I want to thank the dedication and the effort to explain things. It is appreciated, and much!

I know that I am very clumsy and I am learning little by little, based on tutorials and help how yours.

I created the template node and added the html code that you sent me in the way I attached it in the photo. But now he shows me nothing. He is sure that I am wrong and I ask for help to see where the fault may be.!



You’ve used the wrong template node. You need the blue/green dashboard template node. Not the orange function template node:
template node
You don’t need the text node at the end of your screenshot. The template node shows the text.

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Ahhhhhhh…just found out to make the layout :joy::joy::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

You are referring to pages Node-red call the “Flows” right? I mean those tabs above the screen in the node-red “back-end” editor.

Or did you find a way to create more dashboards? I know I can create multiple pages with dashboards and swipe trough them (or by activating the menu), but I don’t know if you can create a complete separate dashboard on a different url.

What´s the recommended way of using the MQTT in Node Red? Adding more receives for each topic or using a function that will split out each topic to the correct nodes in the dashboard?

Both are possible, but using the split is more neat and does not create a subscription for each device to MQTT (network connection as well). Using split then you only need 2 MQTT connections, the incoming one and the outgoing one in Node-red. These 2 connections will be more busy with traffic of course.

I like to reduce network connections and like splitting as local process.

I don’t think it really matters. I even think splitting yourself will create extra workload. Every MQTT receiver node is connected to the (same) configured MQTT server. The server probably handles every MQTT communication. A MQTT receiver node probably isn’t more than a filter itself. If you going to wildcard this node and split / filter this again, you are actually adding extra workload to the system (you filter it twice). In the end it probably doesn’t really matter either way. I think adding more receiver nodes is neater.

In case of maintenance/changes at mqtt or devices; do you need to edit lots of mqtt recievers one by one or edit one big splitter.

Sorry @Satoer for not answering you before.

It worked very well!

Thank you for the explanation and for your time. Now, go for a weather forecast widget.


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I have built some Esp8266 now with PIR sensors and ESp Easy software.
I now have setup so on my node red dashboard I got a red glowing square when a motion is detected.
But would also like a Timestamp or somethings that tell me when the latest movement was detected.
Does any one know how to do that ?

I do something similar with my doorbell. The dashboard is displaying a list when someone rings the doorbell and nobody’s home (with timestamp). (This list is displayed with the "UI control node, but I removed this for simplicity)

First I save the time in a global variable (I just kept the part where I save it to a global variable. In my case I also use this output to show the time on the dashboard).

[{"id":"f7659dad.57d9f","type":"inject","z":"467bd729.816768","name":"","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"1","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":290,"y":660,"wires":[["ba05c850.2c39a"]]},{"id":"ba05c850.2c39a","type":"simpletime","z":"467bd729.816768","name":"Tijd","x":470,"y":660,"wires":[["5adef1da.d861a8"]]},{"id":"5adef1da.d861a8","type":"moment","z":"467bd729.816768","name":"","topic":"","input":"payload","inputType":"msg","inTz":"Europe/Berlin","adjAmount":"1","adjType":"hours","adjDir":"add","format":"HH:mm:ss","locale":"POSIX","output":"","outputType":"msg","outTz":"Etc/UTC","x":680,"y":660,"wires":[["ab0c78f6.64d5e8"]]},{"id":"ab0c78f6.64d5e8","type":"function","z":"467bd729.816768","name":"Store Time in global variable","func":"var Time=global.get(\"GlobalTime\") || '';\nglobal.set(\"GlobalTime\",msg.payload);\n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":960,"y":660,"wires":[[]]}]

Then whenever someone rings the doorbell, I use the current time and add this to a list-node:

[{"id":"2c5a53b7.a352b4","type":"mqtt in","z":"e8b0aeb7.ea41","name":"Deurbel gedrukt niemand in huis","topic":"homey/doorbell/pressedaway","qos":"2","datatype":"auto","broker":"d776df12.63afa","x":290,"y":2360,"wires":[["e2e48528.a86328"]]},{"id":"e2e48528.a86328","type":"function","z":"e8b0aeb7.ea41","name":"Add bell warning to list","func":"var WaarschuwingLijst=flow.get(\"FlowWaarschuwingLijst\") || [];\nvar TimeVar=global.get(\"GlobalTime\") || '';\nWaarschuwingLijst.push({\"title\":TimeVar,\"description\":\": Aangebeld\",\"icon_name\":\"fa-bell\"});\nflow.set(\"FlowWaarschuwingLijst\",WaarschuwingLijst);\nmsg.payload = WaarschuwingLijst;\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":580,"y":2360,"wires":[["9a202a56.ac21"]]},{"id":"9a202a56.ac21","type":"ui_list","z":"e8b0aeb7.ea41","group":"74a5e2ed.11c31c","name":"List","order":2,"width":"6","height":"8","lineType":"three","actionType":"none","allowHTML":false,"outputs":0,"topic":"","x":790,"y":2360,"wires":[]},{"id":"d776df12.63afa","type":"mqtt-broker","z":"","name":"Homey MQTT","broker":"","port":"1883","clientid":"","usetls":false,"compatmode":true,"keepalive":"60","cleansession":true,"birthTopic":"","birthQos":"0","birthPayload":"","closeTopic":"","closeQos":"0","closePayload":"","willTopic":"","willQos":"0","willPayload":""},{"id":"74a5e2ed.11c31c","type":"ui_group","z":"","name":"Waarschuwingen","tab":"f735aa47.f5cd18","order":9,"disp":true,"width":"6","collapse":false},{"id":"f735aa47.f5cd18","type":"ui_tab","z":"","name":"Homey Dashboard","icon":"dashboard","order":1,"disabled":false,"hidden":false}]

If you want to clear the list, just use this javascript behind a button:
flow.set('FlowWaarschuwingLijst',[]); return msg;

You probably need to install the list node if you want to use it the same way like I do.

But the essence is that you add a timestamp to a global array every time motion is detected.