Niko zigbee red flashing when add module

If have today add a number of Niko zigbee modules ( double light switches, socket outlet.
In have add around 30 modules and then with the next one, it fails to be paired and then all working Niko zigbee modules now flashing red :-1::-1::frowning::frowning::frowning:
After reading some notes , it means loosing network.
But I have 3 to 4 modules at 2 , 4 meters max of the Home Pro.

What should be done to slowing red flashing led ?


I was thinking on conflict between Wifi channel and the Zigbee. But the Zigbee channel on Homey is set to 15.

So what can be done ?
I can not manage zigbee component from niko, Philips Hue if pairing in Homey Pro.

so what I did to solve most of this problem:

  • reset Zigbee network in Dev Homey
  • then on each device (more than 40), do a hardware reset (pressing button … procedure on Niko to reset the item), then re-add the item with Niko Apps into Homey. What is already a little cool is that it recognizes the item as be already know, and be notify by Homey he knows this item, add it but keep the existing setting/label you had . Not too bad … but long process
    now, my Niko zigbee don’t flash anymore . Still need to add some additional Niko zigbee , hope it will not go to red again when reach a β€œlimit” of supported zigbee (Niko item none on battery are type router


Add new Niko zigbee switch and first during all days everything fine and after 12 hours booommmm most modules were flashing red ( = lost zigbee connection )

After a multiple mail to support to Niko apps and Homy provides same advices restart homey pro, reset network, find module that could be root cause and remove it , …)
Very annoying, have sole doubt about the stability, resilience of zigbee network with Niko module or is it the Homey pro …. :thinking::thinking::thinking::triumph::triumph::triumph::triumph: