Newbie Here, Changing From C to F

This still appears to be an issue here in the USA. I have a Third Reality Temperature and Humidity sensor that is reporting 75.2 degrees Fahrenheit on the sensor and within Homey it is reporting 167 degrees F. Why is there not proper code in the hardware to detect the location and make the appropriate adjustment. The hub appears to be interpreting the sensor reading as a Celsius temperature and converting it to Fahrenheit and then displaying it as an extremely high Fahrenheit temp in the Homey Pro app:

Note: I am also seeing wrong temps on my SmartThings Multi-Purpose sensors and my Zooz 4-in1 sensor sensors. For some reason the Fibaro Door/Window sensor is displaying correctly. Also note that I have brought these sensors over via a Personal Access Token from from my SmartThings hub. They are being supplied to my Homey Pro hub via the “SmartThings 2” app that I accessed from the Homey Community Store.

How do I fix this for the Homey Pro hub USA?