New homey soon? Cant find seller for a 2019 edition

Does anyone can tell me if there will come a new homey standard? In belgium i cant find a seller that sells them anymore (2019 edition). They are all sold out. A reason that they do not get new stock?

The pro version is not out of stock if I see some webshops

yeah but i do not need the pro version because i do not have so many different apps to install on it

Perhaps it is more a problem with the delivery due to covid-19?

They are even out of stock on the original athom website:

Ask Athom, the only one with all the answers.

i have tried sending them a message but I got no answer on facebook and instagram. I’ll try to find an e-mail adress or something like that.

Doesn’t seem likely. Athom is focused on software, stability and apps. At least at the moment as far as I know. Maybe in 2021?

Where did you acquire this knowledge, do you work for Athom or it’s suppliers?

Maybe @Stefan can shine a little light on this.

I don’t but I am contact with them and work with them on a project. I’m certainly not in the inner circle but based on what I heard I’m saying it doesn’t seem likely. But then again, who am I? :wink:

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I dont know, just wondering if it could happen. I could wait for next model if someone knew that.

Hi all,

Just so you are all aware.

Homey Pro has grown more and more popular among Homey users since its release. In the past half a year, we’ve seen that the large majority of people choose Homey Pro - sometimes even when they’ve purchased a non-Pro Homey, and want to upgrade shortly after.

To provide everyone with the best Homey experience, we’re focussing our production on the product users ultimately want: Homey Pro. Therefore, we have stopped the production of new Homey (Early 2019) units. If you’re interested in Homey, we recommend getting Homey Pro.

Of course, this does not affect software updates or support on Homey (Early 2019). Just like older Homey models, updates will be available to all users in sync with Homey Pro, like they’ve always been.

Homey Pro is steeds populairder geworden bij Homey-gebruikers. In het afgelopen half jaar hebben we gezien dat de grote meerderheid voor Homey Pro kiest - soms zelfs terwijl ze een niet-Pro Homey hebben gekocht, en snel daarna al willen upgraden.

Om iedereen van de beste Homey ervaring te voorzien, focussen we onze productie op het product dat gebruikers uiteindelijk willen: Homey Pro. Hierom hebben we de productie van nieuwe Homey (Early 2019) units gestaakt. Als je geĂŻnteresseerd bent in Homey, raden we je Homey Pro aan.

Dit heeft uiteraard geen enkel effect op software-updates of support voor Homey (Early 2019). Net als bij oudere Homey modellen zullen updates voor alle gebruikers beschikbaar komen tegelijk met Homey Pro, zoals altijd het geval is geweest.


But stopped the production means we are not gonna make “normal” Homeys anymore? Or is there gonna be 2020 models later?

As far as I understand, no one wants a regular Homey and everyone wants a Homey Pro, so they will be only producing Homey Pro’s from now on. I bet there’s a financial benefit for Athom there as well, given that the additional BOM cost is probably (a lot) less than the price increase from the regular Homey.


That’s what I read yes.

I’m wondering if they will reduce the price if there will be only the pro version.


Reduce the price on what?
On the normal version? > No, there is not gonna be a “normal” version anymore.
On the pro? > No, this is the new normal.
They ARE gonna increase the price for the new pro2 tho.
At the end of the day it’s all about the money u know.

take it easy, i bought a homey pro because i wanted to be technologically secure for a while in terms of cpu and memory.

300 Euro vs 400 Euro, I would not advise anyone to put their money into a normal homey.

And yes, even athom has to survive, i.e. think economically to develop a new homey generation.

It is clear that the marketing vocabulary has to be packaged in a customer-compliant way.

One must not talk however behind each decision a customer-hostile decision.

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