Netatmo smart doorbell is missing a button to open the door lock

When someone presses the button on the doorbell, it is most likely that you want to open the door lock once you have identified the person. To do that, you are required to start the door-lock-app. This is not an easy task to learn for elderly people.

Is there a way to enhance the Netatmo smart doorbell app to include a button like the one on the ID-Lock application which controls my door lock?

I guess it is possible provided I can obtain the required API documentations. Are the applications company private or open source?

Hm, not sure I follow… you can fully automate it, eg. taking the picture from the doorbell, when someone rings and then take required actions. Eg. take a look on Face++ ([APP] FACE++ Face Recognition for Homey) etc.

But question about Homey Netatmo App can be answered either in the thread directly ([APP] NetAtmo by Athom - #224 by Sharkys) or by Athom (via support).
You may also want to take a look on Netatmo forums : Netatmo Forum - Security Cameras and accessories (ENGLISH)

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