Neo coolcam wall plug bricked?

Hi all,

I fear i haven’t been so smart with Some neo coolcam wall plugs.

I used them as Energy monitor with Some electric heaters. To make sure the schedule from the heaters wasn’t interrupted, I’ve executed an option in the advanced settings from the wall plug.

This prevents the plug from being switched off.
So after some time I put the plugs aside. Some more time past by. I got a new homey, build the z-wave network again and thought nothing of it.

Now I tried to reset the wall plugs because I want to use them again and there arrives the issue.

If I connect the plug to power. It flashes blue three times. Meaning connected to a z-wave network. It doesn’t show on my homey. But when I try to reset the plug (10 sec hold) nothing happens. I think due to the “always on” function I enabled earlier.

Is there a solution for this? Or is the solution: buy new plugs? :man_facepalming:t2:

To my knowledge, resetting/adding the neo coolcam plug is done by pressing the button 3 times rapidly

Missing the point, that you did add them to the new homey

The Always On option only relates to Homey itself: it prevents you from accidentally switching off the device via the Homey (web) app. It does not affect the physical button on the device itself. Even if the Always On option is enabled in the Homey app, you are still able to switch off/on the device via the physical button on the plug.

So the setting should not affect whether or not you can reset the device.

It does not do that either (switch on or off ) by pressing the button.

When I connect it to power you hear a click, Then flashes blue, then nothing more. I’ve got two of them acting like that.

Adding yes, resetting (hard reset) is holding the button more than 10 sec.

Actually I didn’t :grimacing:. I’ll try to clarify. I disconnected these plugs (but didn’t exclude them) from old homey. Then I migrated to homey 2023 pro with these plugs unplugged.

Not sure if that could have affected this issue. Just trying to give info of what I did until I got to this point.

Nope. 3 times to reset AND add but you’re free not to try and persist pushing 10s

Not to be stubborn, but can it be you mean include and exclude 3 times rapid. I will try your way. On the other hand, I have 2 other Neo coolcam wallplugs that reset after ten sec hold (flash red once and then purple).

I’ll give your way a try.

That’s interesting. The manual talks about a 10 sec hold to perform a reset :thinking:.

Is your old Homey still active/online in your house?

Tried both plugs with both methods. Hold 10 sec, then unplugged them en plugged it in again. Then tried pushing the button three times rapidly. Nothing goes.

What stands out: the button does nothing (with both plugs) after plugging in. LED flashes blue. After that, de button won’t switch or do anything else.

For my understanding, if you add them to your new homey… the app says 3 times clicking the button… it wil reset then another 3 times and it wil be added to homey.

Nope. I still have it. But it has been shelved. Unplugged.

True. That’s for adding/excluding. I need to perform a factory reset.

Is anything plugged into the plug (like a light) when you tried the reset and inclusion? If so, does unplugging the load before performing the reset/inclusion procedure make a difference?

My 20+ plugs say otherwise but I haven’t read the manual which explains :rofl:

You have the z-wave or WiFi version? I’ve got z-wave.

Nope, just the plug on its own.
I tried different wall sockets as wel.

Can you tell whether he reset is actually being performed? According to the manual, the plug’s LED should blink red to confirm the reset.

It sounds like the button of the plug is physically not working (anymore).