at the homey developer page
Jup, just log in to the developer page and go to tools…
Plz also mention that u just have battery powered devices and no “routers” .
I have a fibaro dimmer 2 acting as a router.
So far i’m very underimpressed by the overpriced fibaro
Often times the dimmer does not pick up on the turn-off signal send by homey; a zigbee IKEA Led controller always responds (both the devices are switched from the same flow)
And these devices are practically next to each other.
I also experienced a ‘PIR2 motion status not updating and always showing yes’-issue for the 2nd time.
What sometimes was usefull was removing the PIR2. I had to do it so many times my PIR2 node sequence was 16 while my other devices were numbered 1, 2 and 3
It was very frustrating because in the end i had to reset my zwave network for the 2nd time.
I’m also thinking the PIR2 is broken because my other PIR2 is very stable. Yesterday evening, i had enough of the faulty PIR2 and ordered a new 3rd PIR2. Ironically the faulty PIR2 is now stable.
In the end i have no clue if this issue is Homey, NEO, or NEO app related. I use the search function very often but sometimes there are so many topics and as many replies that i can’t see the forest through the trees (the dutch will understand )
yes and no.
yes, nothing to do with eachother because: different protocol.
No because: they are at the same range from homey but the much cheaper ikea led dimmer has a way better connection then the very expensive fibaro dimmer. (which was my point)
The only reason i have the fibaro dimmer at that spot is because i had some gift cards laying around and i needed a zwave router for the motion sensor
The coolcam’s batteries don’t last very long (or i ask for too much status updates from the sensor…)
i’m coocking up a wall-power adapter for the neo coolcam, when my Aliexpress order comes in i’ll print a dummy battery, wire the electronics in and connect it to an old phone charger; then i’ll never have to worry about batteries again and i can set the sensor’s polling inteval very high
Hallo tmanic
Kan of wil je uitleggen hoe je dit exact doet,
Gezins flow op de fibaro dimmer begrijp ik niet helemaal.
Ik zou graag mijn neocoolcam via andere node laten lopen maar dat lukt me niet.
Please keep the conversation in English.
My PIR V2 is useless at this stage. I can see it’s been updating continuously, but still keeps the alarm triggered. So now new information.
What could I do? Already try to re-pair it.
Motion alarm won’t go off.
Update: it got even worse… I reinstalled the app and now I’m not even able to pair, because ‘already paired’, but i can’t find that anywhere…
Reinstalling the app did the trick!
I just received a number of Coolcam PIR V2’s. First linking to Homey was an issue, but resetting the PIR (button on the PIR) for 10 seconds and then quickly removing/adding the battery when Homey connected to the PIR, resulted in 4 working PIR’s.
While they report movement, I have 3 remaining issues:
- changing the configuration in the advanced settings, is not recorded on the PIR
- the PIR shows a red light flash when it recognized movement. This I cannot undo
- the PIR should show lux. In the App it does, but in the flows it show 0 (using PIR V2 in the Neo Coolcam app). I guess this is a bug in the app?
Did anyone solve this?
Reading ahead, I solved 1 and 3 by removing the battery and then save the settings. Disabling the red light which flashes on movement, I did not yet solve. Tips are welcome.
Same issues here, these pirs are working totally at random, an antenna mod did a lot of improvements, since last update I am back to old situation. Problem with Homey according to the developer. I think they are cheap PIR’s and they are starting to fall apart due the many resets I do… Anybody any experience with Aeon Pirs, they look more solid…
In advanced settings of the device under Raw config paramaters enter: 11,1,0 or 10,1,0 depending on which hardware version you have.
Make sure to also wake the device (by pushing the button inside) when saving settings.
TIP; Also locate the PIR device in developer under Tools>Devices. Here you can see/check if changes you made are stored properly. (Press button inside PIR 3 times and within 3 to 5 seconds press Save Settings on your phone). The PIR values shown in delevoper should update immediately. If not… you’re doing it wrong… try again
- First put the LED #10 to ON in the settings and save it properly.
- Then set #10 to OFF and save it again properly.
When you did it right, it should be off.
By default it is set OFF, but in fact it isn’t.
Still the same issue:
My Neo Coolcam PIR v2 has an issue. Worked pretty flawlessly the first few months, but now sometimes it just keeps firing the motion detector. Updating temp and lux is no problem, but it keeps firing.
Anyone that has any idea?
Re-pairing, reinstalling app did no good.
I‘ve got the same problem sometimes. I think it is a range problem or there is a interference which prevents that the stop signal could reach homey. And homey keeps the signal alive and it seems that the pir doesn‘t send a stop signal.
I‘ve an other problem with the pir v2. One moment it recognices motion well and a view times later it doesn‘t recognice any motion at all. Temperatur and lue works fine every time.
When mine do this, it usually means battery is almost empty (even though it might not be reported to be almost empty).