MQTT Hub/Gateway

Hi Harrie,

happy to hear from you again.
I don’t want to comment your problems with Athom without any details about.
But I have some questions about the MqttHub.

  • What are the reaons that prevent Athom to approve the test version? I’m just curious to know.
  • If you won’t transfer the app, but also won’t maintain (at least take over PRs and provide new test versions), how should the app keep working? I ask because the CPU limit issue is affecting a lot users.
  • The app is open source. Nice and generous. But most users are not able to install forks from CLI. And if we get more and more forks, it’s gettings hard to get all changes into a stable version later.
  • So my summary question: How can we keep the app working for the community? Because the community can’t pay out the app with money and should not be punished because of other disputes with athom (my point of view, also as app developer).

I hope there can be a good solution for the App and the community in future :pray:
Have a nice evening.


Hey @HarriedeGroot, I would love to get in touch and solve this issue :pray:

I’ve also checked internally and we don’t see an imidiate reason to reject the update for the App.


I want to add an observation:
the current app version runs absolutely fine on Pro 2019 models.
Athom appearantly made changes to the max. allowed CPU usage for apps?

Maybe Athom can look into these settings, which might be juuuuust a bit too strict?
I’m sure it’s not really meant to “kill” beautiful and key apps like MQTT Hub!

Or, just simply add an app settings option like: “I know what I’m doing, do not restrict CPU usage for this app”

I’m not wanting to dis the fix you wrote Ronny, but, Athom caused the issue here for Pro 2023 models, not Harrie imho.

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Yes, it’s somehow caused by the system design in HP23.
I faced similar issues also with HA app.

On HP19, an app could run with high load, but never got all CPU ressources. Perhaps because Homey itself was using a lot by itself.
On HP23, an app gets 100% CPU on load peaks. And this is causing the app crash/stop.

So Athom could allow a longer time. Or even allow full CPU usage for apps (could cause unreacheable issues). Or just restricts apps to a max CPU limit (like it’s done for containers). So it never can use more than allowed without causing crashes.

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Maybe the community can make donations, would that be helpful? In the past some developers got there new Homey that way.

I would donate for this purpose…

Hm, should I also stop maintaining apps to ask for donations? :man_shrugging:
That’s the wrong way.

If you are happy with MQTT Hub app, you surely alredy donated some € during the last years, right? :sunglasses:


Thank you for the kind gesture, but I’m not asking for donations, nor do I expect the community to finance a Homey Pro. Additionally, I am not interested in monetizing the app (as someone suggested on Slack). This is a personal matter with Athom, and I have already sent them an explanation.

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I can’t judge on those personal matters Harrie, I just know, despite of your fantastic work on your apps, it’s not fair to take community as hostile. It’s a pity you even refuse to transfer Open source project to someone else just to maintain it. You basically blocked any solutions for this situation, regardless of good or bad intent.

Happy to help, if you change your mind.

The app is GPLv3, so someone else can fork it and develop on it further :man_shrugging:t3:

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There is a new app based on Harries app to continue maintenance…
Please follow the new thread:


Therefore closed!