I doubt Henk ;-( Even that would be really nice miracle…
That would be a pity…
Hope anyone else is willing to take over (and @Maxmudjon is willing to transfer)…
I wonder about this too!
I would also like to know more about this since I have one myself. I tried to att trough Xiaomi app in Homey but it says I need a 32 digit Token?
I tried to add trough Xiaomi app in Homey but it says I need a 32 digit Token?
Any progress here?
Hello guys, I used repository of @Maxmudjon and add two new devices.
Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 Lite
Xiaomi Humidifier 2 Lite EU
I’m now working on publishing via Homey app store. Im beginner and do not have a lot of free time but maybe sometimes I can add similar devices like are in Mi Homey app.
I will write you after my first app will be published.
Thank you for your contribution. I’m not sure if you will succeed with Homey official app store (eg. at minimum due to the SDK min requirements) but great parallel start (eg. for users to test) would be to :
- share your GitHub for others (eg. for CLI installation)
- maybe you will succeed with publishing in the HCS - Homey Community Store
Also have you tried to reach @Maxmudjon via mail maybe, eg. either to transfer or to include your changes ?
Hello everyone. I have just finished first version of app and pushed it into Homey store.
I finished migration from SDK2 to SDK3 and hope that it will be ok for Homey developers.
My github: GitHub - horakmartin/com.horak.homeymiiot: Xiaomi Humidifiers and Purifiers Homey app
I also wrote to @Maxmudjon, co we will see if there is still some development.
App containst two devices:
Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 Lite
Xiaomi Humidifier 2 Lite EU
There are still some errors but when you have IP and token, everything may works fine.
I didin’t test flows - so maybe there can be some error. I will test it later.
Great job! Thanks a lot!
Maybe you can add it to the community store?
I get a 404
This works:
Second one, sorry, link fixed.
Just for my information: lumi.gateway.mgl03 is not supported?
im getting the following message trying to add it in the app: “user ack timeout”
You are asking in wrong forum - [APP][Pro] Xiaomi Mi Home App is the right one, unfortunately lumi.gateway.mgl03 is not supported, but you can try maybe via HA (Xiaomi Mijia Smart Multi-Mode Gateway (ZNDMWG03LM) support - #43 by ekwipt - Third party integrations - Home Assistant Community)
Ok, thanks for your reply @Sharkys