If the command is unknown, you sureky made a typo.
@Maxmudjon Can you add the RTCGQ13LM high precision motion sensor? What type of gateway should I buy so I can add it to Homey?
I suppose the DGNWG02LM. That one works for me.
@Maxmudjon I see a new version on Github. Can it be added to the Community Store too pls?
v1.1.15 is two months old. (link). Or do you have a other source?
On the Community Store is v1.1.14. So the one on Github is newer.
Oh, I understand it now
I have successfully installed this app and connected to my gateway.
So far I have only one aquara temperature and humidity sensor ( the square one) gonnected to the gateway and it is showing up in my homey app!
BUT: the pressure reading is in unit: âmm Hgâ
All my other sensors connected directly to homey is using âmillibarâ and I want this sensor to show millibar as well.
I cant change setting within the app so I guess it is coded somewhere in the source code.
When I check the reading in mi home app the unit is in kPa - wich is pretty much the same as millibar - so that would be fine too!!!
Anybody know how to fix this issue?
I am a satisfied user for a long time now. I have some four gateways connected and probably 30+ devices.
A problem I have is that is seems as if I have a lot of âghostâ devices lingering around. Mainly (only) âMi Smart Plugsâ. They show up when adding devices, but they do not exist anymore in the Zigbee network. I canât find them listed in the Xiaomi/Aqara gatewayâs child devices any more.
Is this something anyone else has experienced?
Could anyone advise which versions of the gateway work with this app?
I have this gateway and a couple of temperaure sensors connected to it.
Between the gateway and my homey there is a a VPN tunnel, I can successfully connect to the gateway from homey and add the alarm funktion on the gateway to homey,
But the aquaaara temperature sensors will not show up. "no new devices found when trying to add them in the homey UI ( they work just fine within xiaomi home native app)
I am beginning to suspect that there are some traffic ( multicast(?)) that wont pass through the VPN tunnel? Can anyone shed some light on this?
Hi @Maxmudjon,
Can you add the aqara High Precision Motion sensor?
"ids": {
"modelId": "lumi.motion.agl04",
"manufacturerName": "LUMI"
"endpoints": {
"endpointDescriptors": [
"endpointId": 1,
"applicationProfileId": 260,
"applicationDeviceId": 263,
"applicationDeviceVersion": 0,
"_reserved1": 1,
"inputClusters": [
"outputClusters": [
"endpoints": {
"1": {
"clusters": {
"basic": {
"attributes": [
"acl": [
"id": 0,
"name": "zclVersion",
"value": 3
"acl": [
"id": 1,
"name": "appVersion",
"value": 25
"acl": [
"id": 2,
"name": "stackVersion",
"value": 2
"acl": [
"id": 3,
"name": "hwVersion",
"value": 1
"acl": [
"id": 4,
"name": "manufacturerName",
"value": "LUMI"
"acl": [
"id": 5,
"name": "modelId",
"value": "lumi.motion.agl04"
"acl": [
"id": 6,
"name": "dateCode"
"acl": [
"id": 7,
"name": "powerSource",
"value": "battery"
"acl": [
"id": 8,
"name": "appProfileVersion"
"acl": [
"id": 9
"acl": [
"id": 10
"acl": [
"id": 11
"acl": [
"id": 16384,
"name": "swBuildId",
"value": "2019"
"acl": [
"id": 65533,
"name": "clusterRevision",
"value": 1
"commandsGenerated": []
"occupancySensing": {
"commandsReceived": []
"identify": {
"attributes": [
"acl": [
"id": 0
"acl": [
"id": 65533,
"name": "clusterRevision",
"value": 1
"commandsGenerated": [
"commandsReceived": [
"powerConfiguration": {
"attributes": [
"acl": [
"id": 32,
"name": "batteryVoltage",
"value": 32
"acl": [
"id": 49,
"name": "batterySize",
"value": "CR2"
"acl": [
"id": 51,
"name": "batteryQuantity",
"value": 1
"acl": [
"id": 52,
"name": "batteryRatedVoltage",
"value": 30
"acl": [
"id": 53
"acl": [
"id": 54,
"name": "batteryVoltageMinThreshold",
"value": 27
"acl": [
"id": 62
"acl": [
"id": 65533,
"name": "clusterRevision",
"value": 1
"commandsGenerated": [],
"commandsReceived": []
"bindings": {
"identify": {
"attributes": [
"acl": [
"id": 0
"acl": [
"id": 65533,
"name": "clusterRevision",
"value": 1
"commandsGenerated": [
"commandsReceived": [
"ota": {}
Missing the Smart MI Smart Fan heater model: ZNNFJ07ZM
But how do I connect this Homey app to the cloud/wi-fi unit that is connected directly and not through a GW?
Just found this, and wanted to ask if it supports the Roller Shade Driver E1 through the Xiaomi hub. Would be great to control it through Homey
The developer has created support for the items seen in this link: GitHub - Maxmudjon/com.maxmudjon.mihomey: MiHomey App for Athom Homey
Is it possible to update to this version? I tried adding /test to the URL in the app store, but it didnât work.
You will have to do it via CLI (so you will have to download from github and install the APP manually)
Ok, Iâll see if I can find info on that - but in the mean time, do you know how to get the mac/password or ip/token from the aqara app?
Hi @Jan_Peeters,
how did you manage to get the gatewayâs password?? I have the EU version (lumi.gateway.mgl03), but I canât retrieve the password nowise. I retrieved successfully MAC and token thanks to the modified app for Android, but I canât find a way to get the password for adding the gateway to Homey
Thanks, but this one doesnât seem to work for the Aqara nor the Mi Home accounts. Do I have to switch apps?