Logging into Synology Surveillance Station

I’m newbee to Homey and yesterday I had problems logging into Synology Surveillance Station, but found a solution, which might help others newbee like me.
The grayed text in Hostname was misleading me.
Instead of “yyyyyyy.synology.me” I inserted the quickconnect address:
“192-xxx-xx-xx.yyyyyyy.direct.quickconnect.to” - and voila I was logged in! :partying_face:

Maybe you should share this hint/information with the app developer @martijnpoppen so that he may include this hint/information in the installation instructions of his app. Then nobody will have to search the forum for it in future.

As I don’t use the Synology Surveillance Station 2 app myself and don’t read the dedicated topic, I don’t know if this information is maybe already mentioned somewhere.


Hello @DirkG. :blush: Thanks for your reply. I didn’t find this explained earlier, so I’ll hope for forgiveness if it is.
To be honest, and with all due respect, I find the structure of this forum a bit cumbersome to navigate. It’s probably self-explanatory for computer geeks, but I don’t understand how to hook a new post into one of these mile long app threads, with hundreds of posts, so I’m hoping an admin can move it to where they think it belongs. And as my post was an explanation/solution and not a question, I should perhaps marked this myself as a solution, along with the @martijnpoppen. Perhaps :sweat_smile:


No Synology user, but just wondering / curious :face_with_peeking_eye::wink:

I don’t understand why it doesn’t work with it’s normal IP address like, 192.168.xxx.xxx
instead of
And what does the yyyyyyy stand for?

Sounds like the latter enables connecting over HTTPS/TLS (similar to Athom’s homeylocal.com).

It do works with a normal ip-adress xxx.xxx or any. The “yyyyy” is to explain a part of a quickconnect adress. You will know what it is if you get one :grin: