Linking Homey to Google Home doesn't work

I get that, but I’d recommend you def should take a peek sometime. It’s part of the Device Capabilities app, Homey’s “Swiss army knife”.
Some of the advantages for example: no need for flows to sync a ‘real device’ value to a virtual device value & no need to ‘dig up’ the correct capability, it’s simply selectable.


That does indeed seem to be very useful! I will have to lookup some practical applications

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Btw, after few iterations, seems this is working for me (class seems to be not so important, the button is…?)

(not linked with device as I need flow to execute)
The disadvantage is that I need to handle “off” state, as this shall replace “Active flow” trigger.

I still do not have any response from Athom on why some favorite flows works and some not.

Perhaps Athom should revisit their communication on how to start flows from Google Home :slight_smile: This seems to be a way more stable way

Well, not really, it still works for some flows but some unknown reason, not all favorite flows get synchronized. So I assume someone (maybe Athom?) somewhere (could be my issue?) might need to fix something :wink: