Lidl E27 light


I have a Homey pro 2023 for just a month now. Everything was working fine I connected all my Lidl Lights as well. However the Lidl app got an update and somehow homey forgot my E27 bulbs. After adding them again I can no longer select the white temperature I can only choose color effects on the lights and one standard white color. Dimming the white color doesn’t work either. I have no idea what else I can or should do to make the white colors work any ideas?

Kind regards,


Try interviewing the lidl E 27 light in homey developer tools

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Hi Tim and welcome!

Please make sure to inform the developer as well, it could be a bug

Hey guys, thanks for the quick replies. I tried interviewing but I am not really sure what I should see there I started an interview and stopped that’s it.

Thanks for the tip to let the developer know I’m just not sure yet if something is wrong on my side or with the app

I checked the values and they do change in the developer tab. However the color temperature

in real life doesn’t change at all

Hmm when it’s there, it should work.
You can change the values in that screen as well:
Did you enter a value between 0,01 and 1?
And pressed ‘SET’?

Yeah i did, however it still doesnt change. Send the developer an email