Lidl device Zigbee

There’s nothing wrong with the Homey zigbee driver, except it’s pretty basic.
But OnOff, Dim and some color settings should work.

What’s the thing with the Lidl/Livarno app? It is listed as official but hasn’t been updated with new devices for years. Developer does not reply. What makes it “official”?

I’ve several RGB-able devices which are pretty unusable in “zigbee on/off/white light”. Yeah, yeah, some $70 down the drain and a waste for the environment.

Using the interview function in the developer tools often makes more functions available.
(Choose zigbee, find your device and press interview)

For me that worked on the lidl multicolor beamers.
I can also dim and change colors

That it’s created by Athom :man_shrugging:t3:

It appears not to be created by Athom. “Bortbytt Software” located in Sweden where I live. They do not respond to e-mail.

The interview function made my Livarno RGB Bulb (E27) work somewhat, but if I increase brightness from 1 % to something else it changes colour and 2 % brightness compared to 1 % is perhaps 40% IRL.

My expensive floorlight from Lidl only does white, not RGB and brightness doesn’t seem to be correct. An interview goes like below, but the device is still just “Zigbee device” with on/off and brightness.

I was just curios, and “official” app makes me buy stuff and trust that some skilled programmer can fix support :slight_smile: I was wrong :frowning:
(sorry for the extremely long post from interview)

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      "242": {
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In that case, “the app was created by or on behalf of the brand itself”, although I’m doubtful that it actually is. But I guess you could try contacting LIDL customer support about this.

LIDL will never support Homey since they sell their own bridge, where all devices most likely work as intended.
Lidl/Livarno has as lot of Zigbee stuff from time to time so I’m sad to see the app is old and a lot of devices unspported. I myself don’t have programming skills…

The app is built by Johan Bendz, who also built the Tuya Zigbee app; all supported Lidl devices are also available from the Tuya Zigbee app.
(Lidl smart devices use Tuya technology)

In most cases ‘official’ brand apps were or are created by community developers.
I think there are not many companies atm, which publish in-house created Homey apps (initiated by themselves).

The label ‘official’ is not related to the quality, possibilities, stability & level of support of Homey apps imho.

The Lidl app is maintained by Johan Bendz, isn’t it? It is a light version of the Tuya Zigbee app, also by Johan. All the Lidl-devices in the Lidl-app are also in the Tuya Zigbee app, altough you might have to install the test-version of that app to make use of all currently implemented devices. The ‘live’-app isn’t updated for a long time.

Initially it was, but not anymore. See this post and my response.

Robert, afaik “Bortbytt Software” = Johan Bendz.
To be allowed to publish apps at Homey cloud, you should present yourself as a business (and donate 100 coins).
At least, those were the rules.

Ah okay :slight_smile:

And, like I said, the app should either be created by, or on behalf of, the brand. Otherwise it wouldn’t have gotten an “official” badge (…right?).

I really do think Lidl is not involved.
Adrian Rockall used the same construction for Somfy Tahoma and LinkTap:
RockSoft Solutions

But … that would mean Athom is breaking their own rules! :grimacing:

I remember Johan Bendz writing something about this in the thread about the Tuya Zibee app. Athom asked him, probably on behalf of Lidl, to make a separate app for the Lidl products. Because he did this for Athom (and probably getting paid by them or Lidl), he used his company for that.

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I don’t think Lidl has the capabilities to program their own app. It was probably cheaper to use the already programmed integration of the devices by Johan.