No. I used the Lidl Smart Home App by Johan Bendz and connected it as a RGBW E27 bulb (which is what it is). Can turn it on and off and dim but when I try the color wheel I get a “Connection Timed Out in 3000ms” or something like that.
I’ll take that back. Now it doesn’t respond at all.
Time for deCONZ.
Why? Homey is marketed as the “Sphere to rule them all”. If I have to buy additional hardware and dive down another rabbit hole of endless tinkering I might just get the respective brand gateways and connect it all through Google Home or Homekit instead. Hence the statement of getting fed up with this. I expect things to work when it is marketed that way.
Not trying to be rude here and I appreciate you trying to help, but it’s been too many times over the time I’ve had my Homey now (6-7 years) that I’ve run into problems and had to troubleshoot and go through all sorts of laborious workarounds, resets and reboots.
You can spend more years waiting for solutions that may never happen, or just give up and move to something else. I did, and I’m very happy with it.
If the modelnumber for the RGB light strip is HG06104A, and you cant see/manipulate the colors, I have a solution for you:
Choose the line with the device and press button ‘Interview’.
Wait a few seconds. Now you get a popup with some code (result from interview)
Just close the window
NOW your device works!!
BTW: The suggestion to use Deconz, will fail. Here the colors dont work at all…
At least for the model number I mentioned…
Thank you so much. It is working now.
Anyone the power strip working? When I ad it through the lidl app or tuua ZigBee. Even as generic zigbee, the power strips tend to group. So they’re no longer individual switchable.
You’d better ask the question in this thread:
After reading the startpost you can ask the developer to add any Tuya-based products.
Hi @johan_bendz could you add a new device to your lidl list
I can tell you that I’m using the first on top lamp of this image
the infos I can repair from homey are the following
Here you can find some more infos about the device
It is a lamp that works on rbg colors
If you need any other test or infos, feel free to write me in pm
Dear all,
I have Lidl lights. Some RGB bulbs E27 work well with Lidl Zigbee gate as well as Homey Pro. Some bulbs dont change the colour with Homey Pro. I have two RGB led strips from LIDL. One work, one doesnt change the colour, but paired to Lidl gate it does. Please help.
Sometimes interviewing a zigbee device can “unlock” certain functionality.
Worked for me! Thanks!
Wonderful Danny, my product ID is TS0505A, your solution works her also. It is also a bit strange that the connection between de regulator and the ledstrip is the other way round as written in de manual. I must connect the other end of the strip to the regulator, to make it work.
PS I have also bought the Lidl christmas tree led lights and they worked correct without any problem.
The tip Works , thank you!!
Thanks for this suggestion Danny. Just got this strip and had this issue, and your advice solved it for me.
I have purchased several LIDL smart bulbs and light strips. The light strip shows up as a light strip with an icon in Homey, but the bulbs just shows up as generic Zigbee devices. I can still control them but I would love to have them categorized as lamps. Anyone have a solution?
You should request the creator of the app to add the device.
1 Search the forum for the app topic
2 check the app topic to make sure it is not requested yet
3 if its not requested yet, “interview” your device and provide the response in the request
The weird part is that I can find the bulb in the LIDL app if I’m not mistaken. So I believe it already exists.
Attaching an image of the icon in the app and the one I purchased.
Well, somtimes the producer makes a change to a device and that also changes the productcode in the firmware.
That causes the app to no longer recognize that type.
It needs to be added