LG ThinkQ


I am trying to integrate my LG hot water heat pump with the LG ThinkQ app, unfortunately without success.

I always get the error message: Cannot read properties of null (reading length)

Can someone here help me where the error lies. I am logged in to my LG ThinkQ account. The original LG ThinkQ app also works without any problems.

Greetings from Hamburg

Hi Tim,

Please be more specific :wink:

Where, @ Homey or smartphone?

Nice. What is that? The “official” Homey app store app?
Smartphone app?
Martin Verbeek’s Homey app?

Which Homey model do you own?
Which LG Thinq Homey app version is this about?

Did a forum search brought you to ideas?

This supports V2 Heatpump:

1 Like

Hello Peter,

  1. I had logged into my LG ThinQ acount on my iPad from there I could directly access my LG domestic hot water heat pump THERMA V 200 liter dual inverter R134A hot water heat pump without any problems.

  2. installed the app: LG ThinQ Smart living starts with LG ThinQ by Martin Verbeek on my Homey Pro. Is there another one for the LG domestic hot water heat pump?

  3. the version is 3.1.17

  4. I have tested it with the app on the IPhone, IPad and Windows PC, unfortunately always the same result.

  5. while searching the forum I found a small solution to my problem.

I have been using Homee for the last few years and have just switched to Homey. In general, I like Homey very much.

Best regards

I have logged into the app on the Homesy with my LG data (user and password)

Maybe this information helps:

I only know there’s multiple LG apps, hence my question to specify.
Concerning Martin’s LG app, it’s best to ask your questions in his LG Thinq app topics I linked to, but this one’s in Dutch:

This one is in English:

Hallo Peter,

Hartelijk dank voor je hulp, ik heb de fout gevonden. Ik had een fout gemaakt met de toegangsgegevens. Ik heb dit gecorrigeerd en nu werkt het.
