Latest update 7.1.4 position homey

Yes, absolutely nothing else changed.
And I know that there is nothing in the Homey firmware changelog that indicates a change. But does the changelog really always contain all information?
Btw, the quality of information of Athom regarding changes of firmware updates and also app updates is poor in my opinion.

I would like to make it clear:
I have no problems with the location of Homey. The automatic Homey location detection is disabled.
The problem is the home/away detection on my wife’s iPhone.
After the home/away detection didn’t work for two days, the detection worked again last evening. This morning the detection didn’t work again.
So it’s very confusing and frustrating.
This evening I will have a look into the settings of my wife’s iPhone if anything is set incorrectly. But I do not think so.

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I’m not sure how Homey Presence technically works but I have a gut feeling the Homey App (on the phone) sometimes fails to work properly as a background process in IOS. That or it glitches sometimes when communicating with IOS’s location service.

Homey Presence usually works well for me. (Before all this). On the rare occasion it’s failed I’ve always restarted the App to fix it…

Maybe it’s the App ?

This is how it should work according to Apple: Apple Developer Documentation
It doesn’t matter if the app is active in the backgroudn or not, iOS will launch the app, it’s up to the app to take the correct action when launched due to a Region-Related Notification.

So, the Homey app knows nothing about locations, it get’s notified by iOS when entering or leaving a geofencing area.
I guess the geofencing area is defined by the Homey app when you enable home/away detection slider is used, it retrieves Homey’s location and sends that location and a radius to iOS and registers for events for that area.

So that could mean that this issue is related to the iOS15 update.
Question is how good is the Homey app tested with iOS15 and if Athom is aware of this issue when can we expect an update of the app. :thinking:

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Depends, if the issue is the wrong location of your Homey then no.
If the issue is the not being detected at the right location it may be, but for me and others it is working so it could be something else that goes wrong.
Also, the symptoms mentioned here (for example only updating the location when the app is opened) are not new, they’ve been round for a couple of years.

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Thanks. I just read the article…

Would this be correct ?

  1. The Homey app tells IOS the defined fence boundary that it wants to monitor.

  2. The Homey App doesn’t need to have a background service always running for checking location.

  3. IOS does all the location monitoring. When it hits the pre-defined boundary that was nominated by the APP , IOS puts out a call to the App notifying it that it’s hit that boundary.

  4. it’s up to the App to respond and then take the appropriate action…

If this is the case then I guess some possible cause of fault could be the way IOS interacts with with the Homey App , either when the Homey App tells IOS what location it wants to be notified about , or there’s a issue with when IOS calls up the App when it hits the defined boundary.

My understanding is that Apple notifies all App developers in the App Store before releasing any major IOS updates if there are any modifications that might be required to keep all the Apps compatible with the platform preventing any mayhem during an update . If so then Athom would of been given notice of any changes they needed to make before the IOS15 release…

If not , then it was public knowledge that IOS15 was coming up as was also a mayor update. If so Athom should of researched any changes that could of affected the system and updated the Homey App to suit …

Either way, IOS15 was available in beta for some time. There was plenty of time for Athom to field test it during its beta phase. The problem should of been picked up… (what ever the cause is)

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fantross found you need the beta homey app version for homey v7.1.4

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Thanks …. I’ll install it and give it a try …

1 Yes, 2 Yes, 3 Yes, 4 Yes.

(My Homey app is version and for me Geofencing is working)

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I did some test today but all the tests failed. In my situation home and away does not work anymore.

Tested with:
iPhone 11Pro iOS15,
Homey Firmware 7.1.4
App version 6.91.818

Now I am confronted with the fact how much my dependency is on the functionality.

Yeah, my security system relies on it to Auto Arm and Auto Disarm …

Transitionally, you could use a 3rd party app like Locative (like @Rocodamelshekima mentioned before :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) or Geofency, or use Apple HomeKit with Siri Shortcut.
You can use these possibly solutions parallel to the Homey build-in presence. In addition you can create flows for checking which geofencing app marked you as home/away. If necessary I could post some example flows.

@Rocodamelshekima, please note the first word of the first sentence! :wink:

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For now I have created 2 virtual buttons in Homey. They will be triggered by the Geofence of HomeKit.
This temporally solution works.

I hope Athom will have an update of the app available soon.

This solved the problem for me before. On my router I had from T-Mobile my location was way off. Probably the data of the previous owner was still in it.
So I did set de location manually in Homey.
Now I switched to KPN some time ago and I asked the man who installed the router to make sure the location was set correctly. Since then presence works ok

Can you show how to set the location ina Router?

You’re in IT @Dijker, don’t tell me you’ve never told a customer something they wanted to hear while it made no sense at all :joy:


You’re confusing Phone location with Homey location. If Homey is not in your home according to Athom, then you need to go where Athom thinks your Homey is in oder to be marked home. But Homey’s location is never determined by your phone.

Homey is never on 4G, so unless you set Homey’s position manually it will always rely on the algorithm to guess Homey’s location.

If Homey also uses the Wifi SSIDs to make location more accurate, it could also be that one of your neighbors moved their access point to their new home. That database is also at times thrown off by wifi hotspots moving around.


Yes, correct I was realizing this after I sent the message.
But it keeps me busy that the only thing was is changed on my home is the last firmware update.
The is a lot of discussion around this topic but nobody knows what causes the issue.

For me it’s not clear if it is app related due to the update to iOS15 or Homey related due to the last firmware update. If it is related to the firmware update do Android users also have the same issue?
When it is an app related thing, why do not more people have the same problem?

So, it it for me not clear where to look for the root cause. :sweat_smile:

FYI, an android user here. No Homey geo malfunctions on v7.1.4

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Take it from some-one who has done a lot of support: “nothing else changed” is THE biggest thing keeping people from looking in the right place. Coincidences happen a lot, and IT is way too complicated to oversee what else could have changed also.

So first look at the obvious changes, but never discount other things.

As far as I can tell, setting Homey to manual location is working for most people. That is by the way always a good advice: it is not like Homey keeps walking about so you need the automagic guessing thingy.