Latest update 7.1.4 position homey

You know I can’t … There is to much non-info, assumptions and even BS in this Topic.

Guess there are at least 2 complet different issues, not related to Homey FW.

  1. the online DB used by Homey assumes your Homey is ~ 10 KM away.
  • maybe a new neighbor is moved from that point 10 KM, sending out his SSID still on that other location in the DB.
  1. iOS new version icm Homey Mobile App update
  • Probably <v15 with App was “Stable” but maybe New App with Old FW and/or Old version Mobile App on New iOS.

I just Shot this Screenshot, Where am I now? yes At the RED arrow, ~10 km from this Homey.
This is functioning 100% OK now, The Homey from a relative is Positioned automatically less than 100 Meters from the correct place. And I am not there because I am Here

Possibly moving one or a couple WiFi routers from there (Family) to my Home will let My Homey “think” it is moved to Bennekom.

Solution for 1) Disable Auto detect Homey’s location.

You can’t see Your location in the Homey App!

Testing of 2 is not a thing you can test one time but need to test several times.
Testing was described by Roco.

But there is to much misinformation in this topic.
From GPS in Homey (No there is NO GPS in Homey), confusion about different issues and assumptions community members think they talk about the same but probably didn’t verify.

and assumptions that Athom hides fixes without telling in updates from 7.1.4-rc.2 to 7.1.4
While the update of 4xx bytes is just renaming a experimental release to stable without any functional change. (Why would Athom test a Experimental release at at least ~ a couple of 1000 Homey’s and then bring a change immediate to 10x or 100x that number of Homey’s . Sorry, if you believe that get a tinfoil hat and sell your Homey. )

O, and Sorry Ria

You would probably have the first Router presenting a Location. I would be surprised.
I think you have been affected by something from the IP/SSID Database.

Before we know we have a solution that describes that you need to walk the dog at least 11.2 km

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