LAN adapter

You’re welcome, Nisse.

The Homey wifi implementation seems to be very picky (like the previous generation :wink: )

I think for the wifi connection to be stable it’s important to:

  • reserve an IP for the wifi MAC on your DHCP server
  • Keep Homey a few meters from a wifi AP or wifi router
  • Check were Homey sits, while it’s antenna’s are located at the bottom
  • Also, don’t put Homey on top of a speaker or amp or the likes (I’m sure you don’t, but it happens :upside_down_face: )

When you have a wifi mesh system:

  • “Glue” Homey to ONE AP by using band steering / MAC filtering / tuning transmit power

When it’s overheating send it back to Enschede I would say
It should throttle the CPU speed down when it reaches 85°C