KNX IP Gateway needs reset every couple of days

I’m using KNX app in combination with Weinzierl KNX IP gateway.

In general, it works fine, but every couple of days, no exact rule, it stops working. I found out, it works normally again only if I reset IP gateway device (brake power for couple of seconds). After minute or two it works normally again.

Is there any idea of what to do? I can’t rely on my smart home to work when I am away.

Have you tried rebooting Homey instead? Some people reboot their Homey daily(/nightly) to prevent networking issues.

Yes. I did try KNX app restart and Homey reboot, but only KNX IP gateway device reset resolves the problem.

Do the gateway and Homey have a fixed IP address?

Homey has, but gateway did not have fo far. Now I set static DHCP binding for gateway too.
I doubt gateway got different IP address from router, but anyway, lets wait a couple of days and give idea a chance. I will let you know if it will work, thank you.

Additional info: I get no notifications about unsuccesfull command executions and not receive any status changes of KNX devices or error statuses when issue happens.

That sounds like an issue with the KNX app, for which you should contact the developer.

It happened again. I was still receiving statuses of lights and shutters if I trigerred them by KNX sistem directly, but commands didn’t go through and no error notifocations were shown.

Then I tried with app restart. It took cca 5+ minutes until red triangels went out of icons. After that I was again receiving statuses, but commands yielded timeout after 10000ms errors. After waiting for another 5 to 10 minutes, commands also started to work. This time without KNX gateway restart. Is therefore app responsible for blackout?

Timeouts due to network issues are rather common on Homey, and have been for years (Homey’s networking just isn’t very stable for some).

Since the app developer and the Homey developer are the same (Athom) you can contact them either using the app’s preferred support method (through Github) or through the regular support system: Support | Homey