KAKU / Trust smoke detectors ZSDR-850 (Zigbee!)

There is an update for the Homey Trust app that adds product ID’s for smoke detectors:

Hopefully that helps for the users here above?

Almost great… Smoke detecter can be added but doesn’t trigger when the alarm goes off. Maybe this will be fixed before the official release of the new app-version.

Sounds like progress at least…
Would be good to let Athom know, so they can fix it.


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Hi Walter, I have two of those Trust SMOK_V16… but cannot send them back anymore. I decided to use them seperately with the tust app, it’s a pity…
If you do find a solution or already found a solution… I would gladly hear about it!!!

Haha I though let me give the smoke sensors a try again (app version 1.4.1) and yes the SMOK_V16 can be connected ie they are recognized now - but testing the alarm doesn’t trigger any flow. So still useless…

So no progress then with regard to the previous version…

Took the time to ask Athom again - because having non functional ZSDR-850’s in Homey gives a false sense of security so I removed them and added them to a trust gateway - at least now they work and I get notified via the Trust app…