Is there no card , for the shelly Plug Pro & Shelly 1/ 2 Pro


Even the text of these cards sugest a condition but don’t specify the trigger it works on. Probably a change of temperature…

I would assume so, too. It becomes a bit confusing if app developers add such cards :woozy_face:

other question, I using a Shelly Plus 1 to start / Stop a Heating , Yesterday the heating was ON , While it was on, the WIFI connection was lost, although the Shelly remained ON

how to solve this Isseu ?

What did you expect to happen?

You’d have to find out if Shelly has some sort of setting that will turn it off if it loses its connection to Homey, but I doubt it.

It also does not help that (in normal cards) WHEN is translated in Dutch to ALS , which translates back to English in IF. In Dutch there is no much difference between ALS(IF) and WANNEER(WHEN), although ALS indicates a condition and WANNEER a moment in time.

After you switched off the heater, read something back from your Shelly, for example “input 1 is not on” and if an error occurs you know something is wrong and send your self an alarm message or switch off the power with another device :innocent:.
Depending on your trigger, you might have to test the status of the heater once every 5 minutes.

yes, there is no setting that will turn it off if it loses its connection to Homey

In that case there’s nothing much you can do.

This are some cards of the Somfy Tahoma app.

Maybe it is a IF card with the condition that if the temperature changes it has to be more or less without the use of a logic card.
Thermis WireFree sensor (io)