Is it possible to hide controls/devices

The list of devices is getting bigger and some of them should not be controlled directly but only via flows. Is it possible to hide some devices to the user/guest so that they won’t be bothered with too much information.


you could just move them in another Zone.

I really need something like this to be happening. I have connected a smart plug to my computer setup to monitor power usage. But if anyone in my household accidently triggers the device icon while scrolling thru the devices list, not only will I lose important work, but also risk damaging my hardware! Just found out that it is impossible to hide a zone.

I think this would not be such a big deal to add to the Homey Software. If we could create a “Locked” zone to put those devices in would be perfect. So if changes were needed to be made to any of the devices in that zone, we would “Unlock” the zone first.

Or maybe some other way of preventing accidently switching devices on or off. That would really be awsome.

Another Idea could be to create a kind of Personal Home Page where we can add the devices that we need to access, and leave out the devices we don’t need to see or acces. So we can switch to the full list of devices, and the ones we acces on a day to day bases.

Anyway, some kind of safety measure would be really welcome.


Doesn’t the smartplug have an advanced setting “always on”? Most brands I use have such an option. It prevents users from turning them off, except for the physical button on the smartplug, that keeps working.

I had the same problem, not only with the computer btw :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes it does. Never had the thought of checking the advanced settings of the plug itself. So, this is a great way to protect it for the time being.

Yet, it still would be awsome to have an other solution. It would be nice if Homey could still switch the plug. When the computer is off, there’s no need for everything else to be in standby. (I know for some devices it’s better to leave them in standby, but a lot of them could be shut off.)

I had also hoped that the Homey Pro 2023 would have the feature of being able to hide certain buttons/apps. For example, I have several plugs to be able to reset surveillance cameras and other electronics. I don’t want anyone to accidentally access these. Even Telldus which is really bad had this feature. Really hope they fix this at Homey Pro!

Yes, from my point of view a feature for that is urgently needed. Nearly the half of my device buttons must be long pressed e.g. for getting deeper info’s. Only klicking short on them toggles them On/Off even if that is originally not wanted in several situations. It’s nearly unpossible to prevent only tapping a button accidentally instead of long pressing it.

It should be very easy for the developers to add a choice like “Prevent Short Click On/Off” in every device setting.

Workaround: Advanced seting -always on…
Then switching needs multiple actions.

I use this to measure the heatingfor my waterbed but don’t want to switch that accidentally off.

Thanks, i know this option, but this is not a fine solution. With this workaround, the integrated On/Off function on tab 1 of the tile also no longer works and also no flows.

I’m new to Homey (Pro 2023) and came from Home Assistant and hiding (even better, grouping and hiding the members of the group) would be a really nice and necessary if you have a lot of devices.

Most annoying is a strip on the ceiling with 5 hue spots. They become single lights and they never used as a single light.

So please upvote this request :slight_smile:


it could be very useful…

I’m new to homey and quite shocked there is no way to authorize certain users to certain devices and/or zones. I am afraid that this is a killer for my homey pro 2023 :frowning:

I was looking for an official feature-request-list but couldn’t find anything about it.
So am I right that the only way to make ourselves heard is through contacting the support?!

Well anyway, I just contacted the support and hope to hear back within 3 weeks apparently… →

Dear Homey-Team,
I am in the process of setting up my new Homey Pro 2023 but unfortunately stumbled upon a killer missing feature which I did not expect at all.
I am shocked to realise, that there is no way to authorize certain users to certain devices and/or zones.
Please let me know if you intend on implementing such a feature and if yes when do you hope to get it done (I know things can always get delayed, but just a rough ETA please).
Upon a brief search I stumbled upon several people struggling with this issue too:
Is it possible to hide controls/devices - #11 by galapiat
Disable zone for user
Please let me group and hide devices
Best regards,

The answer came quick.
Well. Now I gotta decide whether to hope for the feature to be implemented and in the meanwhile use Homey myself (family members excluded) or to send the device back to Amazon and try something else… Phew…

Hi Markus,
Thanks for reaching out to our support and thinking along with us!
I have taken the liberty to add your request for restricted user access (to devices/rooms) to our internal list for feature requests.
Please keep in mind that we cannot give any guarantees on if and when we will implement your suggestions, as there is already quite the development roadmap laid out. That being said, your request is definitely noted and will be discussed.
Thanks again for your input, we appreciate it!
I wish you a great day and lots of fun with Homey!

I also contacted support with visuals how atleast you can hide devices in Homey web app.

Show hidden devices-min-min

Guests and other members do not need to hide the devices actually.
Homey just needs to add this function to the administrator to control the devices to show or hide on each role, or extra option for account. I don’t understand why Homey has not yet implemented this feature. Home Assistant has it.


Homey replied:

Hi Atilla,

Thanks for reaching out to our support and thinking along with us!

I have taken the liberty to add your request to our internal list for feature requests. (Ps. the GIF is great!)

Please keep in mind that we cannot give any guarantees on if and when we will implement your suggestions, as there is already quite the development roadmap laid out. That being said, your request is definitely noted and will be discussed.

Thanks again for your input, we appreciate it!

I wish you a great day and lots of fun with Homey!

It looks trusting but still need to see it really happen. Hope they will implement it asap


I completely agree with this request. I am also very surprised that it is not possible at the moment. Very useful for both device list and access control.

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Me too!

It looks like this has been open for years.

How do they decide what’s in their roadmap if the customers (who the road map is for) can see it or contribute to it as a group - only via individual support tickets?

That’s not very good customer service.

that’s a really great idea! Since I group many lights, I don’t want to see the individual lights as well

I would also love to have the option to hide devices or even zones from view.