Insights Data no longer visible!

Insights Data no longer visible since 23th September 2023

Attempts without success

  • restart homey several times
  • reset homey with backup several times

what could be the issue ?

What does that mean? The insights page is empty? The charts are not showing data from that date? For all apps, or just some?

Using backups from before the 23th of September?

No more free storage, a broken database. But if you’re not getting any errors, it’s impossible to debug and you’ll have to contact Athom.

I don’t get any error messages

I don’t know what the community can do to solve your problem if, apparently, Athom cannot either :man_shrugging:t3:

I have also using backups from before the 23th of September without success

Contact Athom again and tell them their solution didn’t work.

I’ve already done that, so far no response

(I even reset to factory settings and retrained all devices & rewritten all flows, but nothing helped)

I solved the problem.
The reason was in the settings of my router, where my router acted as a time server. I have deactivated the function. then restart homey. Since then, insights have been logging data from all devices again