Ok, heard quite som people ask if you could answer qusetions or input something to your flow.
Since you can only as ka Yes/No questions with a Pushmsg.
Trying to figure out the wat webhooks work I got an idea. Why not use webhooks to send data to Homey using…a webform ?
Not sure if anyone has evetr tried, but I quick and dirty created this html and it works :
<!doctype html>
<form method="get" action="https://webhook.homey.app/YOUR_HOMEY_ID_HERE/testevent/">
TAG: <input type="text" name="tag" size="30">
<input type="submit" value="submit"><br>
Then create a flow :
You could set avaiable, but with forms you can also create buttons to click, or a list to choose from.
My html knowledge is not that big, so yhis might need some finetuning (output page after submitting is horrible…)