IKEA Trafridi Dimmers Automatically Connecting to Xiaomi Power Plugs in Homey

Hello everyone,

I’m facing a peculiar issue with my Homey setup and could really use some assistance. I have IKEA Trafridi dimmers and Xiaomi power plugs in my smart home. When I add them to Homey, they seem to automatically connect to each other without my intention.

Here’s what I’ve tried so far to resolve this issue:

  1. I removed all devices from Homey and started fresh.

  2. I added the dimmers first, making sure the power plugs were not connected during the process.

  3. I paired the Xiaomi power plugs separately when the dimmers had no batteries to avoid any unintentional connections.

However, no matter what I do, the dimmers keep connecting to the power plugs, which is not the behavior I want.

I’ve seen others mention a similar problem, but I couldn’t find a clear solution. Has anyone encountered this issue and managed to resolve it? If so, I’d greatly appreciate any guidance or advice on how to fix this.

It can be the phenomenon called ‘binding’, but I’m surprised they bind without any interference. Homey has zero tools for controlling/managing that, so I’m afraid you should better sell the plugs or the dimmers and look for something else.

Thanks for your response. I have used Home Assistant for years, and I have a spare ConBee stick. Do you know if it’s possible to unbind the devices using ConBee while the dimmers/plugs are connected through Homey?"

The issue isn’t binding, it’s that both the IKEA remotes and the Xiaomi plugs put themselves in Zigbee group 0 automatically, which means that the IKEA remotes send messages to that group, and the Xiaomi plugs respond to those messages automatically.

It’s something that can’t be fixed with Homey (ideally, the Xiaomi app would assign these devices to a different, random, group to prevent this issue, which is what zigbee2mqtt does), and I don’t think it can be fixed with another controller because groups are reset when the device is reset (which is required for re-pairing).

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Thanks for the explanation. Do you happen to know if this is a hardware limitation or if it’s related to the implementation of the Aqara/Ikea app? I’m trying to figure out if there might be any workarounds for this situation.

Robert just wrote this can’t be fixed with / on / by Homey.
Maybe when you pair them with zigbee2mqtt (should work with Conbee dongle). It has lots of possibilities.

I initially thought that it might have been possible to fix in the Aqara app, but I don’t think Homey has any grouping support, which is required to place the device in a random group. So indeed, it can’t be fixed on Homey, and I don’t think there’s a workaround either other than not using Homey for Zigbee.