Idea was updated to Not Set

Seems to be flies trap :mouse_trap: :yum:

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That’s unfortunate… I was hoping that the Homey platform was going to be a good ship to jump to since smartthings seems to be moving more and more towards only supporting those with samsung devices… Youtube is full of videos with people touting Homey as possibly the “perfect” smart hub…

Nope, it was kind of joke…they will fix it, it’s great it’s created but simply not fully ready yet
(I told you,owner of 3 Homeys over time and submitted 2 brand request already) :rofl:

can a person use the smartthings hub as a bridge to run devices that Homey pro isn’t quite ready for?

Sorry, but since when is YT a trustful source for information…

I do not know but you can try to check [App][Pro] SmartThings

But seems to be HCS app only (not in the official store)

There are some official, like Samsung SmartThings App for Homey | Homey and some community app - SmartThings App for Homey | Homey

When I face such challenge, I use ioBroker (integrating HaasSohn) via MQTT and Home Assistant for some additional control for Solax Inverter (HA integration is on higher level, like also Widgets on my phone) … there was always for me a way, but integral point of my Smart home is with Homey - so I see my pellet stove in Homey, I see / control even Home Assistants devices in my Homey… last but not least, using ESP32 integrated into Home Assistant to control my water heater… (there is direct integration possible via ESP32 on some level) etc. etc. etc.

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fair point! LOL

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