The action card for setting the temperature for a device with driver class “thermostat” has the wrong translation to Swedish for the word “Temperature”. It says “Räckvidd” in Swedish which corresponds to something like “reach” in English.
Please name the app that this card belongs to…
Tip: post it in the related app thread so the develope will see you post (or even better, mention the developer in your post)
No app, it’s the Homey built in translation for the thermostat class. Or perhaps I should say all apps with thermostat class drivers.
In that case you need to report it to Athom support as they probably won’t see it here.
When you report it, suggest a correct translation.
Yes I visited the support site but couldn’t find where to submit a bug report.
Are you on Slack as Athom tend to view that more frequently?
What would you consider to be the correct phrase?
Just to clarify, are you talking about all the Flow action cards that set the temperature?
Maybe write the complete current phrases and you suggested corrections so it’s easier for them to find.
I will then reference this topic in a Slack post.
- If you need support from Athom or find an issue related to Homey, the smartphone or the web app, please visit Support | Homey.
(Source: Welcome to the forum!)
Yes, thank you. I had seen that page before without finding where to submit a free text bug report or question. However, here is one way to find it:
- Click on Homey
- Click on More->Other…
- Click on Contact Support →
If you click the support link @DirkG provided, complete the form (select your Homey device and related categories), then you get a text box in which you can describe your issue. You can also include attachments. Then submit the combined info as a support ticket.
Note that you need to log in with your Homey account in order to create a support ticket.