Hue motion sensor missing "THEN" options when using matter

I have added a Hue motion sensor with the Hue app (zigbee) and using matter. I noticed that when creating an (advanced) flow, the sensor added with zigbee is showing me 2 options in a THEN card which the sensor added with matter does not show.

Anyone have any ideas on this?

Which options? Which cards?

These 2 cards when the motion sensor is added over zigbee: I don’t even see the motion sensor added with Matter in the “THEN” field.

Those cards don’t make sense (how can you turn on a motion sensor from Homey?).

Did you add the sensors as generic Zigbee, or with the “Hue, without the bridge” app?

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I added them using : Philips Hue App voor Homey | Homey

Well, like I said, those cards don’t make sense anyway.

Using the Hue-with-bridge app you can switch a motion sensor on or off (like it’s possible with Hue mobile app, too).

I think that’s a special case in the HueAPI that is not defined/possible with Matter definition.


Ah right, thanks. In that case, it’s only possible when using the Hue API I guess.

Yes, I use that also to enable or disable a motion sensor from a flow. I.e. if lights are turned on from hue switches, then I disable motion sensor until the lights are turned off again.

Shame if it missing from the matter device, means that some extra logic needs to be added.