Hue dimmer switch to start flows in homey

My case is the following. I use a hue bridge. i have 3 hue ambiance spots on the ceiling of my attic and they are switched on or off by a fibaro (double) switch 2.

Now I want to use a hue dimmer switch, not to control the lights via the hue bridge, but to start a flow (example: turn on fibaro switch - wait 2 seconds - start scene).

i have added the dimmer switch in the hue bridge, and also added it in homey. I can create a flow using the dimmer switch as an actor. When i test it in the flow editor, it works fine. By using the dimmer switch it doesn’t. I get no response. I have tried adding the dimmer switch to a room in the hue bridge, but then it controlls the room and the flow doesn’t start. I also removed all the rooms from the dimmer switch in the hue bridge, but then i get no respons.

Does any one know if and how i can get the hue dimmer switch to start flows in homey?

I use the dimmer buttons in a flow. I also use the hue bridge. Maybe you can try your flow with the dimmer buttons?

I have a 4 button hue remote that controles the lightning in the kitchen.

When the kitchen lights are off and i press the dim down butten all other things in the living room turn off.

Maybe this helpes…??