HP23 first time a red ring this morning

Hi @Peter_Kawa i totally agree with you.
Is there a specific forum area where it is possible to see the messages from the users on the various releases to understand the issues?

Now i would need to manually update to RC 122 (as I am still on 118) and would be good to know if i need to wait or can install :slight_smile:

Do you have any issues ? If so, check the Release log and if your issue is addressed, update, otherwise keep your current version. For me,the only way is to install everytime latest version as the software / firmware of HP23 is still way to buggy (and newest update sometimes as well but that’s the risk).

@Peter_Kawa , you don’t have HP23 experience yet, correct?

The forum has several topics for 2023 updates and stuff, but users tend to start new topics all the time…
You can just search for ‘firmware’ or ‘update’ or ‘last’ ( … the last update does this and that…) , and filter on date or today / latest for instance.

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