Hörmann and Homey


I’m trying to figure out if it’s possible to open garage doors from Hörmann with Homey. I found this app https://github.com/jeroenvollenbrock/de.hoermann.garagedoor and installed it on my Homey. It starts but I can’t get it to pair with my remote.

Has anyone here been able to control their Hörmann doors with this app or other solutions?

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Nope, I contacted Jeroen and he realized/found out that his Remote was not a Hörmann. He stopped and just didn’t cleanup his github.

You have to start over and analyse the fr code and crack the rolling code to create a working Homey App.

Okey, maybe I will give it a try.

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A connection to control Hörmann bisecur garage door drive would be perfect.
I know that there exists a gateway from Hörmann but it’s expensive and I need an additional app which is not integrated in the homey controller.

I ended up buying this gateway.

Don’t think it can integrate with Homey but it works with Google Home and that’s the most important thing since I want to open/close my garage doors with voice command.

It can integrate with Homey now.

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I use a Shelly 1 wifi relay in parallell to the inside button.
It can also detect if port is opened or not using a magnet contact.

EDIT: Don’t know why this thread showed up in ‘latest’ updates, as it seems 3 years since last update?

Hi, how did you integrate it?

I’m using this app ismartgate App för Homey | Homey.

For my other garage door I’m using Remootio, I think their integration with Homey works better.