Background: In my case Homey is restarted (once and then) by Advanced-flow when certain error(s) are detected too many times in last 5 minutes (separate story…)
In most of the times all good after auto-restart (as all action-timers based on Chronograph-App.
But sometimes some essential Apps fail strangely - e.g.
- 433MHz sensors via Wireless Weather Sensors App “unavailable” (but when App then restarted , all good again)
- HomeyScript flowcards not available, if all looks good…
In both case:
- App is Then-“App is enabled” is TRUE and When-“App is crached” no trickering.
- On manual check (on each Apps-page) on app status all seems good (but can see e.g. that sensors down).
- No error are generated to timeline by system…
I solved temp. this (cheap and dirty) like below (for each app different / relevant test to see if error…):
Have anyone seen similar phenome and if yes, how did resolve it (manual follow-up not option for me…)