Homey Pro - Newcomer pretty disappointed


New Homey Pro user here, pretty disappointed right now.
The Homey website is shiny and selling very well their products… but, in real life, things are a little bit more frustrating and complicated than that…

So here we are, I need your help to find something similar & working with my Homey Pro. The products I was using before are as following.

Thank you!

Have you tried the app for Trust Smart Home or Nexa with your DiO products? I suspect there’s a good chance they will work with either of those apps.

Thanks, no not yet. Will try & let you know.

To be honest, I wonder how could we even imagine to search for those keywords…
Using DIO, but need to search for Trust Smart Home & Nexa, okay!

Some of the products you mention are mentioned on the Homey website, so you should be able to add them. Maybe good to clarify which steps you have taken and what exactly “not handled/not working” means.

Problem is that these are pretty generic products that are available under many names, don’t know who actually develop and produce them. Before today I had never heard of DiO so I assume it’s not a widely available brand, but they look to be identical to Nexa/Trust/KlikAanKlikUit etc. Actually didn’t check earlier, but I see there is a DiO app that seems to support the remote but not much else.
Generally, you have to ensure that apps exist for the devices you want to use, some devices can be added without an app, but that will only provide very limited functionality (basically on/off).

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Thanks guys.

This one looks like having the same products DIO is using: Trust Smart Home Appli pour Homey | Homey
I even didn’t know they use the same products but different names… now it looks like it’s very difficult to find their products even on Amazon (they are selling only some of them, obviously, some interesting ones like remotes controllers are not sold… this is madness).

So how can I search something I want to connect? Do I need to parse all the Apps and then looking for supported devices please? I know the official Guide for Devices on the Homey website but there’s nothing I need there…

A nice 404 from Homey website…

Looks like KlikAanKlikUit is for NL only… nothing I can find, everything sold out… this is such a headache.

KlikAanKlikUit is part of Trust International. Looks like in NL they use the brand name KlikAAnKlikUit. In other parts they use Trust Smart Home.

Also: Trust Smart Home Appli pour Homey | Homey in the text you see is the first sentence: Converting your home into a smart home? With **KlikAanKlikUit** you make every home smart, without complicated installations or conversion or shifting of existing switches and light points.

Not sure what you used to search with;
But it returns Trust when I use the search bar:

Thanks for your help guys.

I ordered some products with Trust Smart Home: it’s much more easier to find some.
I’ll test everything on Friday and tell you.


I am not sure I understood well all your problems with DIO (not handled/not working). It is surprising because there is an official DIO app for Homey: Dio Appli pour Homey | Homey It should support the products based on their protocol for 433MHz Radio. Did you try and it didn’t work? Maybe you should try a bit more. And if there are really things that do not work , you can also raise a Homey support ticket on the app page.


I’d say the Best Buy Guide is unreliable at best.

There is still an eve energy light switch listed there that works Thread over Bluetooth, which Homey does not support at all. I pointed out several errors on the Best Buy Guide, but they have not been corrected yet.

It is also biased toward EU, which is fine but some sort of call out for “This device is only available in EU” would be nice. I assume anything on the guide that plugs in will not work here in the US. There may be a US model for that device, but I assume it has not been tested.

I have taken advantage of Amazon’s very liberal return policy more than once.

I’ve found community solutions to make a number of devices work that are otherwise unsupported. Aqara FP2 mmWave sensor and my Samsung dishwasher are two examples.

The Homey eco-system is much easier to use than something like Home Assistant but requires much more effort than HomeKit. If you want to be sure devices work, use HomeKit and only buy devices that have the HomeKit logo. If you want any device to work, go HomeAssistant and learn how to program.

I think Homey is a nice middle ground.

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I can’t remember the last time I had to program to use HA (whereas with Homey, plenty of people are moving towards using Homeyscript to implement features that cannot (easily) be implemented otherwise :man_shrugging:t3:).


Just connected some things. It’s working like a charm and is pretty powerful. I must admit it looks great once you find the right products. Very happy. Next step: trying the Shelly roller shutter. Thanks!

i have same idea. homey looks great but integrations are sometimes a big deal. most are working but some do not and then it is up to developer of app to solve it and not to homey. in my world things like tuya have to have support of homey.

Official Tuya support is coming soon. It was announced on the AMA last week.

I think the biggest issue is that most of these brands do not offer a public API. So they have to be reverse-engineered. Often it is also against the manufacturers’ policy, so it can only be offered as a community project which is incompliant with law and regulation. That way homey cannot be held accountable.

Same as with Home Assistant, full of incompliant integrations.

Test version is live