Homey Pro just pulsates purple. It has been running for over 4 hours with the update. What is wrong?

Updating the homey pro won’t finish, it asked for an update but just pulsates purple. It has been running for over 4 hours with the update. What is wrong?


I followed the link, read it. But nothing helped me. Do you have any other suggestions?

So you already changed the power supply, reset Homey, did a PtP ánd when that didn’t work you contacted Athom support (as stated in the very first link on the result page)?


Jan '21


tried just to restart homey upside down and than power reconnected . Now I was able to reset Homey and start up succesfully.
Awaiting to see that it will stay working well.
Last few days Homey now and than stayed running with a red led ring, so no connection with wifi. However didn’t change the wifi system in our house. ???

Thanks anyway for the quick response.

Kind regards,




Jan '21

That sounds as a defective usb power adapter! Please unplug and change the adapter for another USB 5 Volt 2 Amp (2000 mA)
That should make Homey stable again.
You don’t want to do a firmware update with an defective adapter.

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Yes i have tried to change the power supply, but it didn’t help. It lights up in orange and after five to ten sec it gets back to purple. And i have also deleted the homey pro from my account. I copied the diagnostic ID code which is: 06B6D0 before i deleted it

Did you change the cable as well? There’s cases where it came out being faulty.

Yes I tried new power supply (5w-2a) and new cable as well.

Tried to restart upside down and then power reconnected as well, with no positive respons

Any solutions found?
In now in the same situation :thinking:

Often there’s some useful info when you read the related topics section

I found this fix for Pro 23 (but maybe you own a Pro 16-19 - you don’t provide any info unfortunately)

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Thanks mate…
The post is about a 2019, so I didn’t think of sspecifying further :slight_smile:

Short story - I started setup over PC, and succeeded in connecting to wifi, and it then started a +200MB update (apparantly this indicates faulty filsystem).

Situation now: Turning on Homey, starts orange for 10 sec, then goes pulsating purple - forever (+12hours before I stopped it).
PSU and cable changed, starting upside down. Turning on and then turning upside down after 5 and 10 and 20 seconds… I’ve tried all I can find. Nothing gives any kind of reaction from the homey.

I’ve been through every part of the forum to find ideas - and have just written homey support.
But i’ve read that there - at some point - was a guide available, about doing a factory reset connection directly to the PC - but it has been removed…

Anyone knows anything about this?

No problem!

Dunno, the topic title nor the first post say so.
Only the date reveals it can’t be about a Pro 23. But obviously I didn’t check :sweat_smile:.

Everyone would appreciate it when you provide some basic device/version info along with your question :wink:

However, things you wrote next are about a Pro 23 :man_shrugging::grimacing:

It’s hidden in this article.

But while you’ll need a long pin anyways, no need for USB tools;
you can just push the reset button for over 30s to reset Homey to factory settings.

Very kind of you!! - Thanks for spending the time replying.
BUT my Homey in a 2019 Pro :slight_smile:

No reset hole AFAIK? - So I can’t do much besides plug it in - turn upside down… and the opposite…

So unless something is possible through the USB - and I think sadly it’s not… Then I just have to wait and see what Homey replies…

But thanks a lot for trying to help!
Kr Dennis