Homey goes offline after electric shut down

I can’t find the problem why my homey pro goes offline completely after my electricity shut down for a day. And after my electricity back on line, my Homey pro doesn’t work at all and also I tried to check the app and it said “Cannot connect to Homey Pro”.
I connect homey pro with a new ethernet cable and also I have try to use wifi. Nothing is work. The homey pro ring is also off.
Is there any body have the same problem ? Is it completely dead ?
I start using homey pro since september/October 2024.

Have you also completely unplugged the power cable and after approx.30 seconds plugged in again?

Did you check whether the USB power plug is still working properly?

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yes, everything. the power cable, ethernet cable and i even push the button with push pin underneath the homey pro.

yes, i did

Yes I did.

I also tried to get a new ethernet cable and the ethernet connection to homey pro but the result is still not working.
I guess my homey pro got fried. Hmmm, I’m very disappointed.

What are the LED colors, when you turn it on?
What was the reasons for power outage, was it scheduled or incident kind of outage?

no led colors. nothing comes out.
it’s an incident power outage. all my other hubs are fine. I don’t believe this happens with homey pro.

Did you try to connect with Homey per USB Tool?

If it doesn’t work, contact the seller I’d say.


Hi Homey Support,

I just connected to my mac. And it seems my homey is on but I can’t continue my Homey USB Tool and this is what I got.
And I’d try to move it back to my ethernet cable, my homey pro back to offline.
Please advice


Which LED color do you get when you connect it ?

white with light pink
pls see picture

(Attachment IMG_0414.mp4 is missing)

white pink

Hi Homey Support,
Regarding your question for my homey pro case. The color that came out from homey pro after I connected to my mac is white with light pink.
I sent you a video but it seems like your admin rejected it.
So pls find the picture below. I hope that picture explains enough to you.
awaiting your reply


Thank you for your post to the Homey Community forum, but it seems that you may need to report this issue to Athom support.

Please, first have a look at [Tip] Problems with Homey?

When you need direct support from Athom please visit Homey Support for our new help center.

If you need help you can read more about how to submit a support request.

Have you really connected it following this article?