Homey Firmware v2.0

Athom released the first Experimental version of Homey 2.0 after a couple of weeks in the closed alpha test.

Please read everything careful as this experimental firmware still has some limitations. Reverting is possible but will clear all settings and remove all devices and flows.

So pls don’t update if you are havily depending on your Homey untill the mobile App, Homey firmware and all community apps you use are tested and maybe updated.

Welcome to the public beta of Homey v2.0!

Please visit https://support.athom.com for our new help center.
It is very important to report all issues you find here: https://support.athom.com/hc/requests/new.
Your issue reports are much needed to create a final version of Homey v2.0 as fast as possible.

Download the beta iOS and Android app here:

— iOS: Join the Homey — A better smart home beta - TestFlight - Apple
— Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.homey

This update has some limitations compared to Homey v1.5:
— Geofencing is disabled
— Insights is disabled
— Flow Tags cannot be entered in text fields

We aim to resolve these missing features as soon as possible.

Some community apps might not work without an update. Please report these issues with the developer of said community app.

Happy testing!

Important note!
Keep in mind that the forum is not the place to report bugs but be free to discuss the update and your experience in the discussion topics about 2.0