Homey Date & Time is not working

The TS? No I did not report the bug via the feedback button :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The first question was for the Topic Starter, sorry.

Ah yes I misunderstood, it is indeed the problem the topic starter is having. Its expecting a time of format xx:xx but gets x:xx.


Feedback: None of the flows were run over night. Even stranger, when I run them in the web interface, I get green flags on all cards, but nothing happens behind. Started from the phone, they work ???

When trying to share flows, I saw that the → in the name is encoded with web characters &; , so I decided to replace every → with “to”. To workaround time out errors on valves I send commands multiple times with delays. This seems to work but has to be fixed. I installed a bunch of notifications. Here after I share just a branch of flows to illustrate it and hope to see clearer tomorrow. Still two days remaining for sending Homey back.

Time triggered:

Triggered by the changed heating point value:

Triggered by previous flow:

All I’ll say about this is that this issue has existed for over two years now.

And all I say to this that this is not serious from Athom. It is even not Z-Wave conform. The command has to be scheduled and send on device reply. I just checked on eedomus by rapidly pulling batteries out of the device to avoid that it replies. I get an error “Device does not respond” after 3 Minutes.

In the meantime, many users have tried to help you. The only thing you have to say about it: This must not be like this and this must happen exactly like this. Please tell Athom or send the homey back.

Have you completely rebuilt the flows? Or did you just fix the flows?
What did you use to rebuild/repair the flows? Smartphone app, Homey Web App? Homey Flow?
If Homey Web App or Homey Flow, with which browser?

If you used the Homey Web App, you said it yourself, it’s in beta status.

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I would go with Edwin on this “issue” and make 3 flows:

WHEN time=04.30 AND it’s a weekday THEN push message “flow 1 ok” ELSE push message “flow1 failed.”
WHEN time=04.30 AND virtual switch1 is on THEN push message “flow 2 ok” ELSE push message “flow2 failed.”
WHEN time=04.30 AND virtual switch2 is on THEN push message “flow 3 ok” ELSE push message “flow3 failed.”

And i would use the Chrome browser to test this, like recommended.

I’m puzzled by the virtual switch “is turned on”. In my view it should be “is on”. Is it the web interface that allows you to enter an event after When, instead of a state?

The community is very actif and friendly and I’m thankfull for this, but sorry, I’m not a Fanboy and I try to see things like they are. I want a reliable system to automate my home. If someone else does not need reliability and has fun fixing things every time and to workaround because things are not fixed by Athom that’s also fine for me.

You can only select preset cards in the web interface and that is the default text that can not be changed

I’ve rebuilt them from zero

I think you’ve discovered a bug in the (beta) web interface. ‘Is turned on’ should not appear (in my iOS Homey app it doesn’t) after ‘when’. So your flow is now waiting for events to happen at exactly 04:30. Better drop the Web approach and try the app

So u don’t have this card on a virtual switch in IOS app?

I have it in Dutch where it says ‘is aangezet’ after If and ‘is aan’ after And

Could be my mistake if the English translation doesn’t follow the Dutch logic. Do you have differences between the options after If vs And?

With what? Just to make sure there is no possible problem.

I would recommend the smartphone/tablet app

Dat dus. Looks like a translation Issue.

Those cards are the same, translation comes from here https://github.com/athombv/node-homey-lib/assets/capability/capabilities/onoff.json#L104.

That’s also what I want.My main SmartHome features (lighting, energy, heating, security) are reliable, even with time triggers.
On the other side, I try a lot, new apps, other workflows, etc… That is the reason why it may not work as it should.