Homey Dashboards — Public Beta Megathread

Hi, I’ve noticed there’s no synchronization between devices on the main screen (3 columns Dashboard on iPad). Is this a bug? or a design decision ? because It’s really frustrating.

I have two iPads, one of which is smaller and I carry with me, but I have to recreate all elements on the main screen from scratch. It would be nice to have an option to sync or not the main screen. For Dashboards, there is no issue, sync is fine. :+1:

Thanks for the great work.

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Love Dashboards! Great work :slight_smile:

But really don’t get why 2048px width iPad shows 2 columns. It has to be three to be useful.


Many thanks for the help!
I simply formatted the tablet and reinstalled everything.
Then it worked fine! :crazy_face: :ok_hand:


Try this widget:

I think Adrian is open to suggestions and ideas

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Can I only use dashboards on my mobile/tablet? I would like to configure them on my desktop.

That is not possible.

With emulators you can.

For linux (and windows and mac) you can use Android Studio


Under Windows this is not possible with this dashboard and extra program.

Black underlined are fixed texts.
The rest are variables.

By switches you can’t see directly how the brightness is or would be later.
Also more values like the RSSI.

If not already done, you can like the feature request about Dashboard on their Web app in the topic below. I know Emile already stated that it was not planned for now but without going to the post below and liking the post, they can’t track how many people want it.


Hi all!

2-day old new user here looking forward into contributing to Homey as I explore all possibilities. I can say I’m definitely impressed by what I’ve seen so far and been able to do with Homey!

I don’t want to cluther this thread with useless info, but here we go nonetheless. If this particular question is better of somewhere else, just guide me to the right place. But for me it felt most matching with this new dashboard feature as it’s about a (Spotify) widget.

Within the new dashboard feature there’s an option to add a “Speaker” widget where you can select (in my case) a Sonos or Spotify speaker. I’ve been trying to get the Spotify widget to work for the past 24 hours and I just noticed the addition “Due to Spotify’s Web API limitations, control is only available with Flow.” at the app description. Which I suppose is the reasons why this doesn’t work :man_facepalming:

Before properly reading this description I already went on and created some flows to start playlists, to increase the volume, decrease the volume or to skip tracks. It works, but that media widget looks so much smoother than flow buttons. So I decided to take a dive into apps and widgets after running into this topic and installing the beta version. So… below is what I’ve tried so far.

When I get the devices using the API I can clearly see the difference with the Sonos speaker: both of the Spotify devices lack any capabilities. As the Speaker widget is not related to the spotify app my guess is this widget relies on these capabilities to provide the buttons.

I went on from there and have been trying to “wip up” a widget that accepts a device id as setting, which took me a while but that turned out to be the easy part. I then used that device ID (the Spotify player) to try to modify the “volume_set” capability: which failed of course. Next I tried to get all Homey flow card actions and see if the Spotify “then” cards showed up. Unfortunately they don’t. I guess these cards scope to just my app. Too bad.

So I wrongly thought it would be easy to create a simple graphic widget holding just a few buttons and binding them to capability/flow actions and here I am asking where all this text lead to:

If flows do work to increase volume, skip tracks, play and pause. Isn’t there an option to have default flows for these actions to be included in the Spotify app and have the buttons use the flows to execute this logic instead of the capability?

Or, if there are limitations in the (current) software to achieve that, am I missing something in the docs and is the idea I have possible after all: creating a custom app and widget that offers a GUI connected to flow card actions of another app (so my app would be dependent on the Spotify app)? The process I had in mind and what I’ve been trying to do was:

  • Create an app with a “Spotify Connect Player” widget
  • Widget “DeviceId” setting that can be set to available (spotify) speakers
  • play / pause / skip buttons that trigger Spotify’s “then” cards
  • volume button (binded to a local number variable) to increase and decrease volume using Spotify’s “then” card

Suggestions / idea’s to make this work are very welcome (or perhaps I sparked an idea for the Athom team into binding the Spotify capabilities to the “then” cards?).

Anyway… hoping to do some great things with Homey and contributing meanwhile!

Have a great night all.

This is by design. You have to creat one in the “Dashboards” section for that.
The home screen is not synced and only local for that specific device.
There have been questions about it before and Emile has said that it this was on purpose and would not be changed.
(But you never know, he hasn’t been fond of creating a dashboard functionality before too… :wink:)


I’m under the impression you mix things up.
The Spotify app itself is just a kind of ‘helper’, to make Spotify Connect devices work @ your Homey.
When you install a Spotify Connect enabled device, you’d use that as the ‘Speaker’ widget. Not the Spotify app’s device.

When I hit the text/artwork of the “Yamaha” device, it opens my amplifier device with all available controls:

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iPhone (iOS 18.0.1) Tried to fix it by reinstalling the app (in flightmode)

Even tried it to install on my iPad (iOS 18.0 & 18.0.1) but the normal app as the flightmode version keep crashing at the startup screen :cry:

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Thanks for checkin for me! But I might be misunderstanding what you’re trying to tell me…

What I do is edit my dashboard, add a new widget, select the speaker widget, select the Spotify connect device and save it. That leaves me with a widget looking like your “Spotify app” widget, but my title is “Samsung Soundbar Q70T”.

The Spotify app itself allows me to add the Spotify Connect devices (in my case a soundbar and for testing my Macbook device). Adding these devices enables the flow cards that I can use in automations and flow tasks. For instance: I created a variable holding the current volume for my soundbar and have buttons to increase or decrease the volume and set it using a “then” action.

The Spotify Connect devices are categorized as Speaker which is probably the reason we’re able to add it to our dashboard using the speaker widget. But, as is also visible in your screenshot, controls are lacking for these devices and when you click on the widget it only says (something in the lines of) “This device has no manual control - create a flow”. Whereas my Sonos (and your Yamaha) do have these controls.

I’ve worked with the Spotify web API before for a personal project and I can’t see why this can’t work for Homey as well. The Spotify web API does allow us to get information about the currently playing track (this one is scoped to your connected Spotify account) and also provides the endpoints for setting volume, skipping tracks and pausing (scoped to the Spotify Connect device).

Looking at the description of the Spotify app and the absence of it’s capabilities in Homey, my guess is that the code integration for “volume_up” or “volume_set” isn’t bound (yet) to these Spotify web API endpoints and probably differ from more general functions to do this (which are available for Sonos and Yamaha). But still: it feels like this could be an (reasonably) easy fix and have the speaker widget work similar to Sonos/Yamaha.

I might need some pushes in the right direction to get this to work. But after a few hours of trying to hack things into place it all ended when I noticed the absence of the capabilities and a a bit later also the absence of actions to other app’s flow cards. So here I am, hoping to chip in my two cents into improving this widget for Spotify!

I’ve also been looking for the Spotify app source code (widget in particular) but that seems to be closed source?


Is there any way to get the saved data (setCapabilityValue) directly from Homey for the widget used in the new Dashboard?

@Jamie we hear you. We are working on a solution to show specific sensor values. :slight_smile:

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@ewoudfr Seems to me that you don’t use the Homey app fullscreen…

@Harwin Still no update for Android… Are sure sure it’s pushed correctly this time? :grimacing:

@Marcel_Visser we’re waiting for Google. They suddenly decided to give us a hard time :grimacing:

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@Harwin I do run Homey full screen. This is just a screenshot from the photos app to show the resolution.