Homey Dashboards — Public Beta Megathread

Is there a way to create a weather forecast as show in the picture?
I only see the present and today…

Just like the picture would be great.


@Ricardo_Lenior I’ve made this. It’s pretty much a copy of Apple’s weather widget.

I have to test if the API that I use works with other countries / locations too. And then I’ll try to make it available.


On your tablet, did you try to check under more at the bottom?

I just saw this myself

You know what would be awesome (on android at least), to have a full blown widget with Dashboard page on the android home screen. Like you can do with a calendar but then for the Homey Dashboards :smiley:


To be fair @Harwin showing sensor information we actually care about is a pretty obvious feature - and not really related to the tile size, especially when you consider that many devices these days are full of sensors and more and more sensors on each device is becoming common.

I hope it not to hard to implement and we get to see it soon


Question about CSS styling…
Styling | Homey Apps SDK

I only see icon styling, but no button/switch classes.
Is there a style for toggle buttons?

And if I want to add switches in icon style like

how should this be formatted? Like a simple icon?
What colors should be used for? White for active buttons and green for ‘on’?

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It would be nice if you can set a frequency to update a web frame or a snap shot of a camera. For example every 5 mins.

Nou I have to reopen the dashboard for a refresh of a web frame or manually push the reload icon to refresh a snapshot of my camera.


Aah thats great! Im dutch aswell thats Why u ask… Looks great :+1:

@Harwin_Borger Awesome work on the interactive button. Can’t wait.
I’m on a 1920x1200 resolution.
I agree push notifications could be a community app. Is there a way to target a specific device showing the dashboard. I was thinking to use it to sent messages to the family. For example, dishwasher is finished.

Yes, I pressed on more, but there is nothing about dashboards like it does in the app both on my and my wife’s phone. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Are you are using the same Google account on both your phone where you see the Dashboard and on your tablet? If you are using a different Google Play account on your tablet and you search the Homey app in the Google Play store on your Tablet, do you also have the Beta version of Homey app installed?

I just checked. It’s the same Google account on both phones and in the tablet. With the difference that the app in the tablet does not have the Beta version. I have also tried to reinstall the app in the tablet, with no results.

Try this:
uninstall the app,
force stop google play store,
clear gp store cache,
open gp store.
Now check if the Homey app is the beta version.

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Very happy with the new dashboard! Keep up the good work! :muscle:

The camera snapshot function is quite useless at this point, and is one of the main reasons for me to use the dashboard. I’m using the Unifi camera’s/doorbell.

Are RTSP camera streams coming?

I have the same thing, on my android phone I have the beta installed but on my android tablet it remains saying the 10 sept update is the latest

YW :crazy_face:

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Working on it!


While we are waiting for live cams I created a page that loads the snapshot and refreshes every X seconds. On the dashboard I added a widget that loads that fixed 220px webpage which I host localy (local.url/snapshot.php?cam=achtertuin).

It aint pretty but it works…

Code for snapshot.php:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10">
    <title>SNAPSHOT PAGE</title>
        body {
            background-color: black;
            margin: 0;
            display: flex;
            justify-content: center;
            align-items: center;
            height: 100vh;
        img {
            height: 220px;
            width: auto;
    function checkLocalNetwork($ip) {
        return (substr($ip, 0, 8) === '192.168.');

    function getImageUrl($camera) {
        $urls = [
            'voortuin' => '',
            'achtertuin' => ''

        return isset($urls[$camera]) ? $urls[$camera] : null;

    if (checkLocalNetwork($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
        $camera = isset($_GET['cam']) ? htmlspecialchars($_GET['cam']) : 'voortuin';
        $imageUrl = getImageUrl($camera);

        if ($imageUrl) {
            echo '<img src="' . htmlspecialchars($imageUrl) . '" alt="Afbeelding" height="220" style="height: 220px; width: auto;">';
        } else {
            echo 'Ongeldige camera geselecteerd';
    } else {
        echo 'Toegang geweigerd';

Ok I got a new tablet to make a dashboard and made a new “guest” user for it and now I have a few things that I think are important:

some are repetition but I want to have it all together:

  • there should be a possibility to have a dashboard user that does not count for family / persons
  • → no count for sleeping (last sleep, last out, come home stuff like that - else there is always someone home…)
  • the guest user sees all flows and settings and everything, I think a guest user should only see what I want him to see, flows to activate and devices to use that’s it!
    not all the settings and even being able to change stuff just to get some strange error message when wanting to save it… should just not be able to do that in the first place
  • full screen mode for the dashboard without named banner on top
  • atm on my tablet it shows 3 columnst, but I cannot change that - first it showd 2 columns - don’t know why it swapped. I want to be free on chosing how many columns I make. maybe I want 1 column being only 1 device width on the side and have more columns wider afterwards.
    maybe I just want 2 big columns and fill them with big stuff… please give more flexibility?
  • when I have 3 columns and the 3rd is empty I cannot swipe over to page 2 to edit there - not nice when “developing” a new dashboard
  • ability to show 1 part of a device: like I have some blinds to steer them I have to long press on the Icon to go in and then swap to the arrow thingy to then send them up or down… I would like to just have the arrow on the dashboard…?
    or also for a sensor to show a certain info of it when there is multiple…

I would like to create a dashboard on my iPad 8. Unfortunately I only have 2 columns and there is no way I can get a 3rd row. There would also be enough space for a 4th column (horizontal).

What can I do or try? Or is it just waiting for an update :-)?

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