[APP][Pro] Enhanced Device Widgets. Live 1.0.1, Test 1.0.2

I have created a new app for device widgets.
I will add new features in time, but for now it has one widget that allows you to select a device and it shows all the capabilities in the panel.
If a capability is read only it just shows the value, but if it can be modified then it can show a toggle of slider.


Hi Adrian,

Best widget so far. Exactly what a dashboard needs.



Indeed the best app so far!
This is what Athom should have shipped right away… :smiley:


Thanks for this very nice widget!

Some observations based on one of my virtual devices:

  • The color of the icon is not inverted in dark mode (black icon should become white);
  • The bottom three items in the screenshot are temperature sensors/values. They are displayed as a slider, but it is unclear what the value is. Also you can move the sliders, which does not make sense as the temperature cannot be changed.
  • It would be nice if you can select which of the sensors/buttons you want to display/hide;
  • Finally, the search function does not seem to work (searching in the list of devices).
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Well done. Most usefull widget so far.

  • It would be great to select what capabilities to display.
  • On my android tab the slider doesn’t actually slide, but you can press on the point you want it. Also it doesn’t show the number of the capability.
  • It would also be super to be able to combine capabilities from different devices in one widget.
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If you use “DeviceCapabilities” for that VirtualDevice, You have to change the capability in the device for that number, to “temperature (measure)” .


Whoops, I saw that earlier but forgot about it, so will fix it for the next update.

The app checks the read only property of the capabilities to determine if a control should be displayed, so I guess the wrong capability has been chosen for the device or it hasn’t been setup properly.
Can you provide a screen shot of the normal device view?

This is on my list but I’m wait for Athom to create a way to select multiple properties.

I presume you mean in the settings page, in which case that’s controlled by Athom. But I thought it did work when I setup my widgets.

Tried this on Android tablet and Phone, and the search function does nothing when you want to search for a device, to pick for the widget.

I’m not sure why but I will investigate why the slider doesn’t slide. I will also try to format the list to add both the number and the slider.

I would think that might get confusing, but maybe I can create a different widget that can show a capability type from all device.

Again, once Athom provide a multiple select control for the configuration, I will add a way to select individual elements.

I see what you mean, but I was thinking that way you can make one widget for dim sliders with all the lights in one room or all thermostats for one floor.

In my case I have a heat pump that is controlled via a sensibo device, but the power usage comes from a seperate smart plug device. And this would be a good example of capabilities from two devices that belong together in one widget.

OK, thanks for the use case as that makes it easier for me to envisage and ponder on a solution.

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Also in response to @Marius_Stensrod.

These sensors have indeed not been set up as ‘Temperature (Measure)’ in the virtual device (Device Capabilities app), but as the default ‘Sensor (Default)’ type. The reason is that I want to assign a custom icon (see screenshot). If I use the Temperature type, then I always get the standard temperature icon. But then indeed they are displayed properly in your widget. I assume I cannot have both ways then (custom icon in the virtual device and proper display in the widget)? :thinking:

Maybe @Arie_J_Godschalk can add the functionality, to change icon for all capabilities categories. Ask in this topic: [APP][Pro] Device Capabilities - Enhance the capabilities of devices

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Yes, in the settings screen of the widget, where you select the device you want to display in the widget:

Hmm, maybe I need to check the callback, so will look into that.

Or maybe, if that is a custom capability, he could set the Setable property to false so it is read only.

Hey Adrian! Looks really nice!
Care to share the sourcecode?

Im trying to create a device selector myself but with the limited settings options I assumed it was impossible. I guess you found an API call to inject some options into a selectbox setting to get a device selector?

Your github repo is marked as private (even tough the URL is linked on the app store)

Ah, I forgot I made it private, as I put it on there before the Widget features was released so didn’t want any leaks.
I will change it to to public.


It’s now public.

Search is fixed in the new test version.
Added value along with sliders for numeric capabilities and increased the size of the sliders to make it easier to use.
Fixed icons in dark mode.

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